Are You Okay?

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The next morning...

Me and Alex woke up to my alarm clock blasting over my speakers. "How about we leave early and get to Starbucks for coffee and stuff?" She suggested and I nodded "if you want, you can change in the bathroom there." I said and she nodded "thanks." She took her bag to the bathroom.

Our hair had looked the same but just different colors.

I sighed as I changed into a flannel shirt, combat boots that went to my knees, torn up denim jeans and an All Time Low letterman jacket.

I decided to curl the ends of my hair today so I waited for Alex to come out of the bathroom.

While she was in there I saw a note taped to the outside of my window. I slid the window open and peeled the note off and read it.

'Why don't you kill yourself? Emo Attention Whore'

She had put on an American flag crop too, torn black jeans, white converse high tops, a black kitten ear beanie.

I quickly slipped on my red one and she had already done her makeup which was basic eyeliner and light pink lipgloss.

I ran in the bathroom and did blood red lipstick, thick eyeliner and mascara and then curled the ends of my hair.

I sighed and then out Bobbie pins in my hair to keep my beanie in place and then we grabbed our bags and put one earbud in each of our ears and turned on her phone's playlist on shuffle.

I sighed as we soon arrived at a shop and I got Java monster energy and Alex got Monster Energy Zero Ultra.

We walked on our way to school, hand in hand, sipping on our Monster. Ricky had made the decision to sleep in this morning, so we let him sleep and walked to school ourselves.

"Do I look okay?" She asked as she adjusted her beanie and we walked into the school, "you look great, hun." I said and everyone stared at us as we walked in, holding hands and basically acting like a couple.

All of them were dirty looks.
I didn't care.

The song changed to Marilyn Manson's The Love Song. She smiled as we stood at our lockers "so. Tomorrow is our final day here." She said and I nodded "I'm excited to go to Scranton, yet also nervous on what's gonna happen to us. I know we'll be in the same place and everything but still. Different schools." I said and she shook her head as we locked up my locker and headed to hers. "Don't worry about that. We'll be fine. Just hold on. We can make it." She said and I kissed her cheek and hugged her and then we had quickly finished at her locker and slowly walked around the school and found our home rooms. "See you soon." She said and we shared a tight hug before separating and going to our individual classes.

I saw sharpie sketches on the corner of my desk.

Emo whore.
Little goth fag.
Kill yourself.
We don't need you here.
You don't belong.

I sighed as I slumped into my seat and my phone buzzed.
It was Ricky.

R- hey, I'm gonna be out at the mall later. Do you wanna come?

I quickly texted back, saying I would love to go and hang out and then put my phone back in my pocket.

The bell soon rang, signalling the end of the school day. I stood up and plugged my earbuds into my ears and hit shuffle. "Listen to them...Children of the night... What music they make." I smiled to myself and sighed as I made my way to my locker in the crowds of people.

I saw papers and sharpie sketches on my locker. The usual. Just like the beginning of the year. All the same things over and over again. This time they hadn't attacked me. They knew I would fight back.

I saw a group of people in the corner of my eye laughing and they grew closer to me. "Hey, Skellington! One more for old time sake?" I heard a voice say. I quickly swung my bag over my shoulder and made a run for it, them chasing me. "Get her!" I heard him yell as I ran and saw Ricky's Car. On The opposite side of the lot. great.

I felt my legs begin to hurt and weaken but I kept running as fast as I could.

I turned my head and saw them close and getting closer. I kept running as fast as my legs could allow and saw Ricky's car turn on. He sees me. "RICKY!" I Screamed his name as they were now almost in arm's reach. "RICKY!!" I ran to the car, and ended up tripping on a rock or something before I made it to an arm's reach of the car.

I felt impact of shoes and then a hand grabbed me "GET OFF HER!!" I heard a deep male voice scream and I was tossed aside like trash. I felt a sharp pain near my shoulder and I saw how pebbles rocks and a bunch of trash was littered nearby. Some could've been brushed here over time. I sighed and groaned in pain as I saw the kids run away.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone crouch down next to me. Not Ricky. His voice is different. "Y-Yeah, think so." I sat up on my elbows and saw none other than Josh Balz. "You're bleeding, come on, get in the car." He said and I stood up and he opened the car door for me and I noticed my sleeve had blood on it. pretty badly.

"Let's see.." Ricky pulled the shoulder of my sleeve down, revealing a bloody gash on my arm. "Oh shit, let's get you to a hospital. you look like you need stitches." He seemed so scared for me right now, and after seeing the damage of what happened and realizing I was bleeding profusely, I was into a state of fear, and panic. My heart rate had spiked, and I could easily tell.

My earbuds had fallen out of my ears, but I think Balz grabbed them along with my phone.

As soon as we got to the hospital, Balz picked me up and Ricky and him ran inside and Ricky yelled for help, his voice cracking. In a matter of less than a minute I was on a stretcher and being wheeled in to get stitches, the guys having to sit in the waiting room.

Time Skip...

I slowly opened my eyes, being met with a blinding light, squinting to let my eyes adjust. I sighed as I looked around the room and saw Ricky sitting next to me. "She's awake." I then noticed Ghost, Josh, Ryan, and Chris from Motionless In White chilling around the room.

"You feeling alright?"Ghost asked and I nodded "Better than before." I said shyly. "They gave you some stitches, but said you can leave as soon as you woke up." Ricky said and I nodded "That's good, cause I hate hospitals." I stated as a matter of fact.

Right as I said that, A Doctor walked into the room and smiled to all of us, "So now that you're awake, I'm just gonna test your vitals then you're good to go home." She said and I nodded "mkay." Was my response and she nodded as she brought over some stuff to rest my vitals and all that amazing crap.

"Okay. You'll be just fine. You may experience a bit of  Post Traumatic Stress, but that's perfectly normal in this case." She smiled and pat my knee "you're good to go, just gotta sign you out." She said and took a needle out of my arm that I hadn't noticed before, and I hopped off the hospital bed, Ricky handed me my jacket and we were out of that place. After he signed me out, at least.

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