The End

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••••Author's Note••••

So, this isn't a chapter, as the story has already ended, but I guess me writing this is a little past due. Well.. more than a little.

Let me start off by saying thank you to anyone who read through every chapter of this book, it means a lot that anyone started reading it in the first place.

This literally came to fruition while I was bored in my room one night, but hey isn't that the start of a lot of stories?

There isn't going to be a sequel, as I feel everything got wrapped up in the end of the last chapter.

I will probably go through it and edit it, correct some error, and that.

As for everything else, I hope you all enjoyed Immaculate Misconception. I sure had a hell of a time writing it, and I hope to see you in the next story.

Good Night.


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