You got a Tattoo?

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"You okay?" I heard his voice behind me as I sat on a swing. "No." I said honestly and next thing I knew Vinny was kneeling down in front of me, and wiping my tears with his thumbs "what happened?" He asked "they made it look like I pushed Lilly and I tried to tell Josh and he wouldn't listen and ended up getting mad at me." I said and he sighed "they'll believe me though. Even if we have to prove it. But for now.." he stood up and held his hand out "you wanna take up the offer of the tattoo?" He asked and I smiled and took his hand.

We began walking back to the house so I could put on dry clothes and let Ricky know I was going out.

The whole walk was a comfortable silence, and we ended up holding hands the whole way there. Not that either of us minded, because neither of us said or did anything about it.

"Hey, where have you been?" Josh asked as soon as I entered through the door. I just ignored him, and let go of Vinny's hand and rushed upstairs.

I had finally decided on where and what I wanted to get for a tattoo. I was getting a dreamcatcher tattoo on my thigh.

I put on a sweater and shorts along with a pair of combat boots and put my wet hair into a messy bun.

"Ricky, I'm going out. Back later." I said "I'm going with her, don't worry." Vinny chimed in, when he saw the protective look on Ricky's face.

Once we got in the car, I opened up a notebook I had grabbed on the way out, and flipped to a page. 

I had drawn out a design of a dreamcatcher and I knew it was the one I wanted.

"That looks amazing." Vinny said as he started the car and we were off. "So how bad do you think this is gonna hurt?" I asked and he shrugged "I dunno. I never got tattoos before. Do you want me to hold your hand?" He asked and I chuckled "yup. This is gonna be like childbirth. You are going to hold my hand." I said, partially meaning it.

He chuckled and nodded "It won't hurt horribly. Chris would know." He said and I remembered the amount of tattoos on Chris and I shrugged but nodded.

"So I did tell Josh about your tattoo idea. And his girlfriend was nice enough to get you into her schedule and do a tattoo for you." He said and I gasped "Ryan Ashley?!" I exclaimed excitedly and he nodded and I felt a huge smile on my face as we drove on the rainy highway.

"You ready?" He asked as we arrived at a store called 'The Strange and Unusual'. "You bet." I said and we headed inside.

Luckily, it had stopped raining. It was still cloudy, though nonetheless.

"Hey guys! You must be Cassie, I've heard so much about you."
Ryan Ashley greeted us and shook my hand "That's me, its so nice to meet you." I said with a smile and she returned the gesture.

"So, what were you thinking of getting?" she asked and we sat down in the back where all of her equipment was. "I wanna get a," I point to my notebook "something like that." And she looked it over and nodded "I can do that. Here, let me get a trace of it and I'll get you in a minute." She said and I nodded and smiled as me and Vinny sat and patiently waited. "On your thigh, right?" She asked and I nodded "yes, ma'am." I said happily and she smiled as she began putting on to the paper.

"So how'd you know the guys?" Ryan asked "Ricky's my older brother.. so after awhile I moved out with him and met the rest of the guys." I said and she smiled. "Sounds cool. So I guess you're joining them on Warped Tour this year?" She asked and looked between me and Vinny.

"We haven't asked yet." Josh suddenly walked in the room. "Time to open the shop?" Ryan Ashley asked and Josh nodded.

"yep. I heard her voice and decided to see what's up. Ricky is gonna flip." He pointed to my thigh as I heard the tattoo gun begin buzzing.

"Not Ricky's thigh." I said and he chuckled and walked off to open the shop.

"This might hurt." Ryan said as she got some ink ready.

"Might?" I asked and felt my heart begin racing faster. "Wanna hold my hand?" Vinny chuckled and held out his hand "Sure." I said and chuckled before holding his left hand with my right.

**Time Skip**

"All done." Ryan Ashley said happily and I smiled and she let me walk over to a mirror.

"I love it!" I Exclaimed happily and I hugged her and she wrapped it up, and we were on our way out. I sat back in the car and held my notebook tightly in my hands.

"What do you think Rick is gonna say?" Vinny asked and I sighed

"not gonna tell him yet. I'm gonna put it on Instagram first. Just gotta manage sneaking upstairs." I said and he nodded and agreed to help me.

"I'll distract Ricky." He said and I nodded. We both got out of the car, and I covered my legs with my notebook, and Vinny headed inside before me.

"Hey, where'd you guys go off to?" Ricky raised an eyebrow at us and I stood behind Vinny.

"Nowhere." I said and I saw Josh sitting with the kids and smiling until he saw me "I'll be upstairs." I said and felt like I just wanted to lock myself in my room.

And that's what I did. As I sat upstairs listening to Evanescence on my Bluetooth speakers.

I heard the door open and saw Victoria and Lilly walk in. "Hey, freak. Josh didn't believe you did he? Why would he? Hell these guys are being forced to put up with you." Lilly said and I sighed and ignored them. I quickly texted Vinny to come upstairs quietly before shutting my phone off.

I saw Victoria smile and she kicked me until I was against the wall. I noticed someone walk in and pull out a phone and record for a second "You really believe Ricky cares? Huh? Nobody cares! You're just a little girl who thinks she is all that because her brother's in a band." Vicky kicked my leg, and I let out a squeal of pain.

"Okay, woah whoa, cut it out." Vinny ran in and pulled them off me.         

"Whatever. We'll be downstairs." Lilly said and they walked off. Vinny sighed and kneeled down to help me sit up "you okay?" He asked and I nodded before Ricky ran in.

"What's up? You okay?" He asked and crouched down to me and I shook my head.

"Nothing. I'm fine, don't worry." He sighed and helped me stand back up before patting my shoulder.

"nice tattoo." He said with a smile and I nodded "Im heading out to Walmart with the others. Do you want anything?" He asked and I shook my head "nah. I'm just gonna stay here and be on Netflix." I said, and looked to Vinny.

"watch over her?" Ricky asked and Vinny nodded and said he'd be here with me.

The picture is the tattoo, but the tattoo was not colored.

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