I'll be fine (part II)

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Chris' POV

I sighed as I saw a few nurses bring papers to the desk and then I saw Cassie's nurse.

"Chris Cerulli?" I jumped up at the sound of my name and walked up to her.

"What's up? Is she gonna be okay?" I asked and she nodded and began leading me down a hallway.

"We were about to break the news to her, she insisted on you being there too." She explained and I nodded and walked down a series of hallways with the lady, my hands tucked in my jacket pocket.

"She's in here." I was led into room 527, and I saw Ricky sitting next to Cassie. She was hooked up to a few machines.

"Hey, hey, how are you feeling?" I said softly as I sat on the opposite side of her and held her hand gently.

"Okay, so we have some news. It's not great. However, She's going to be fine." The doctor said and I sighed and me and Ricky nodded.

"I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, especially how she's the only real family you have left.." he trailed and we all looked to each other with fearful eyes.

"I am sorry to have to give this news but I am afraid that she has Gastric Cancer."

Those words broke my heart. Especially that final one word that seemed to repeat in my head. Cancer.

"The cause could be from smoking, digesting a larger than usual amount of salty or highly processed foods." He explained and Cassie shook her head.

"It can't be from smoking. I-I've never smoked." She said looking between me and Ricky and back to the doctor.

"And that's fine, and it may be caused based on a diet, or secondhand smoke." She said and Cassie nodded and understood.

"Our parents smoked a lot. I've always eaten processed food.. or nothing. I never had many options."

Cassie's POV

I had Cancer. Almost my whole life led up to it. Secondhand smoke. Processed food. In that moment I was more happy that Ricky had quit smoking. I was happy I was me and not him.

I knew none of it mattered now. It happened. I have stomach cancer and I can't fix it. Cancer can't be cured.

"What do I have to do?" I asked and she sighed and began explaining that I needed regular chemo, medical checkups and a dietician to make sure I stayed healthy in a proper way that I would be able to get nutrition and protein, because anything I ate would likely come back up.

I was told I would have to go through chemotherapy and I would be taking leucovorin to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

"You will be okay doing the chemo on a schedule whenever you feel comfortable, but it has to be done in order to get and control what you have." He said and I nodded.

"Uhm, we are on a tour right now, so would we be able to do it at a different hospital? Or do it today possibly?" I asked and she sighed and looked down at her board and back up.

"That would be possible. We would need to transfer your files every time you entered a new state, so if you could give me exact locations of where you will be and give me a day you could do the chemotherapy I can send the files to the nearest hospital to the venue, and we can do it that way." The doctor said and I nodded and agreed.

"I have everything in my phone." Ricky said my pulled out his phone and he was handed a paper to write down the tour dates, venues and times we leave and arrive.

"Okay, for now I want you to try to eat small meals every day. Mostly whole grain foods and high protein foods." The doctor said and I nodded and she continued to explain that I should be careful and try not to take any hits to the stomach in any way, but vomiting will be normal every so often.

After a few hours, we had everything settled and I felt like I just wanted to go back to the bus and sleep for awhile.

I didn't feel anything. I felt empty.

I was able to walk with help at first. Soon I was Walking out of the hospital room and headed down to the front of the hospital, holding Chris' hand the whole time.

I eventually made it up to the waiting room. Once the others saw me alive, okay and walking, they all stood up and came to get me to come sit down and explain everything.

"I'll explain back on the bus." I said and they all nodded and agreed to that.

Ricky signed the discharge papers and then we were soon getting back onto the bus.

Later that day..

Everyone now knew about the situation I was in. I had set up to do the chemotherapy while we were in Mesa, Arizona in a few days.

"Great way to end off Warped Tour huh?" I asked Devin without any emotion, and I stared blankly at the floor from the couch.

"You'll be okay. I know it won't ever be permanently gone or cured, but you will be just fine with us. We're all gonna take care of you." He said and pet my hair before handing me a small bowl of white rice and a bottle of Vanilla Coke.

"Thanks." I said with a smile and began eating slowly.

I had turned on Ru Paul's Drag Race so me and Devin could just watch it together for awhile.

I got along really well with him lately and it turned into almost a sibling-like relationship. That went for all the guys. They were like a second family. and it felt really good to have that especially when Ricky was my only real family that I had left.

"Were all here for you. Don't worry."

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