The Worst Night Of My Life

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"Come on, Cassie. Let's rock n roll!" Chris exclaimed happily as we all trailed behind him, walking out the door of Ricky's house and to the huge bus parked outside.

And, my god was the bus huge.

Upon entering there was a big lounge and mini kitchen, which then led back to a hallway full of bunks.

I easily made my way back to the last set of bunks and took the bottom bunk on the right side.

I sighed as my bag sat at my feet, I let out a heavy sigh and leaned back onto the single pillow in the bunk. My feet easily touched the wall and I was sitting, my head almost fully pressed to the top.

I shouldn't be complaining. I honestly feel bad for Chris having to sleep in a bunk half his size.

"Small bunks, then?" I heard the familiar voice ask me as someone crawled into the bunk across from mine.

I looked over and saw the ever so familiar jet black hair and drawn eyebrows.

"Yup. I'm uncomfortable, but I can't say much." I said with a giggle and he nodded with that silly grin of his.

"I think I'll be able to manage." He said and I smiled and heard my text tone on my phone go off.

I quickly picked it up and saw a fee messages from the group chat I had named "a bunch of assholes".

I saw texts from the people who were all to familiar to me. It was a bundle of sinister comments, names and at the bottom of it all, the final message, was an address. Below that, it said "8:30. come alone."

The address was in the first city we'll be in for Warped Tour. I knew what to expect.

"Who texted?" Chris asked and I sighed and shook my head.

"Nobody. Just twitter." I said with a chuckle and he smiled and laid back in his bunk, his knees bent to fit his whole body, and his head against the ceiling.

"I'm takin a nap." I said and he nodded as I pulled two pillows and a blanket out of my bag and laid down in my bunk, my legs bent to fit my whole body.

I pulled the curtain back, put in my earbuds and drifted off to sleep. The killing moon played loudly through my earbuds as I slept the day away.

Time skip..

"Hey, Cassie. Wake up." I felt someone pull out one of my earbuds, and lightly shake me.

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly and saw my older brother's piercing blue eyes staring back at me. "What time is it?" I asked, my voice sounding very groggy and tired. 

"6:50. we're playing at 7:00. Chris told me to come wake you. wouldn't wanna miss your first Motionless show would you?" He asked and I smiled and he kissed my forehead before leaving me to my own devices. 

I turned my music off, which was now the acoustic version of Sinematic. I put my phone in my back pocket and looked at my clothes.  I had my black skinny jeans on and a pajama shirt. I quickly exchanged my shirt for a Motionless In White hoodie in my bag. It had their logo on the front and the lyrics to Devil's Night on the back. I put it on over a dark red camisole and zipped it up halfway. 

I ran a hand through my hair, and used my phone camera to check on my face and hair. I quickly fixed my hair with my hands, and just smudged my makeup around my eyes an bit. It looked messy but cool at the same time. 

I smiled before hopping out of my bunk, and making my way over to the lounge. The guys were scrambling around to get ready. I then remembered I had to be at that address at 8:30. I knew what it was about.. probably just pranking me and gonna torment me a bit. It's nothing to worry about. I can fight if I need to. 

Once everyone was ready, we all headed out of the bus, me on my phone, trying to find out why they wanted me to go, what it was about. They wouldn't answer. at all. I eventually gave up and put the phone in my back pocket and walked alongside Chris, happily as I had to walk a bit faster to keep up with his large strides. 

"You walk too fast." I complained and he chuckled. 

"I don't walk fast, I just have longer legs." He said and I nodded and we walked into the venue, which I was glad to be wearing a jacket in. It wasn't freezing or anything, it was just colder than what I was used to an indoor area being. 

"Come on guys, you're on in 5." The guys' tour manager informed the guys as soon as they walked through the door. They were gonna be pretty much closing up Warped tonight, so I had to get to the place I was supposed to meet those idiots perfectly on time and back to the bus as soon as possible. 

Quick Time Skip! 

"...FAKE ASS HYPOCRITES!!" Chris' voice and the crowd echoed in my head as I exited the venue. I let their manager know that I was going on a walk and to let Ricky know. He agreed, and I was out and on my way to what appeared to be a park. It was about a 10-20 minute walk from the bus, so I could be back in no time. 

It was dark outside by now. The park was quiet, the swings moved slightly with the wind blowing. everything else was motionless and silent. "Well, well. look who showed up." I heard a familiar female voice say from behind me. 

I spun around and saw Alex and Evan standing there. Behind them, was, who looked like he could be in his senior year. maybe just got out. I had never seen him before, and my nerves got stronger with the strange man around. 

"What do you two want? Why was I called out here?"I asked, trying to seem like I was staying tough. 

"Well, Recently. Ariana has been.. not as popular. people aren't afraid of her anymore. And it's all your fault. she thrived off of people recognising her importance. you took that from her." Evan explained, defending his bitchy girlfriend. 

"So? none of that is my problem." I said and Evan sighed, shaking his head "You see, there in-lies the problem. You took something important to her. Now we are taking something important to you. Meet David. I'll give you two some... alone time." Evan said in a sinister voice before walking away and David walked up to me, and I saw a look in his eyes. I knew what that meant. This has all happened before. I know what he wanted. I didn't want this to happen. 

"Hey, baby. I was told you were pretty, but damn." He said as he gently grabbed my wrist, and when I pulled back he got forceful, and grabbed my wrist, holding it in his grip. "Come on, You should be easy. You would want this eventually. right?" He asked as I struggled to get out of his grip, but he got me onto the pavement on my stomach. I should've stayed with Chris and the guys. I Should've never left the venue. 

As he pounded into me, my body shifting and shaking against the pavement. Not a noise escaped my mouth, and I stared straight off into the night. His groans turned into distant echoes, as I laid there. This felt like the first time all over again. Except I wasn't fighting. I couldn't. I just felt numb. I felt like I was leaving my body. 

Before I knew it, it was over. He left me on the pavement, my clothes torn up. my jeans missing, and shoes thrown to the side of me, my undergarments on my ankles. I felt like I couldn't move. Frozen. I wanted to just leave this world. I didn't want to walk. I just wanted to lay here and disappear. 

I saw my phone laying on the pavement near me. I quickly grabbed it, within arms reach and pulled open my contacts. I had a few texts from almost everyone asking where I was, what was taking me and if I was alright. 

I opened Chris' texts and he had texted asking if I was okay, and why I wasn't responding. I quickly texted a few messages to him. 'help me.' 'Mell park.' 

I mispelled a bit from my shaky hands. I jumped a bit at my phone ringing, which I quickly answered in case any of them were hanging around. 

"Cassie? Where are you? are you alright?" It was Chris. he sounded so worried about whatever situation I was in. He was probably hoping that I would say I was fine and I just needed him to pick me up from this park, and I was just hopelessly lost. 

Sorry Chris. "C-Chris.. I-I Need your he-help." My voice was horribly shaking in fear, as to what has just happened to me. 

"Cass, what happened? Talk to me. I'm on my way. just talk to me." His voice was as calming as always, but I was yet shaking and curled up in my extra large hoodie on the cold pavemet, my undergarments now pulled up.

"I-I d-don't think I c-c-can" I said my voice cracked a bit towards the end of the sentence and I heard a faint gasp from Chris. 

"You'll be okay I see the park, stay calm, you'll be okay." He said, his voice soft as he tried to relax me. "I see you, Cassie you're okay." He said seconds before the line went dead. 

I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and tried to sit up before I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, and I let out a practical shriek. 

"Hey, hey, it's only me, you're safe. you're okay." It was Chris. As soon as I knew it was him, I curled up into his chest and let the tears fall out of my eyes. "You're okay. I'm here. you're alright." He picked up my shoes, and tied the laces together and put them around his inner elbow. "Let's get back to the bus." He said and I shakily nodded before he put one arm under my back and one under my legs, before picking me up and starting to walk in the direction back to the bus. 

"You're okay now."

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