New home

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"What're you doing here? Why are you doing this?!" I asked in fear and anger but it came out as squeaky and fearful. "I came to finish what I started. You see, I am getting paid. And as anyone can tell you. Nothing stops me." Her evil eyes bored into mine and I couldn't move. " in other words..." she pulled out a long, thin and sharp blade, a gasp of fear escaping my mouth "I just want to be done so I can collect my.." she paused "bounty."

"Stay away." My breathing sped up as I stumbled backwards "Oh.. poor little Cassandra. So lost in a world where you think you matter." I fell onto the wooden floor and tumbled down a flight of stairs.

I tried screaming for help, but my voice was scratchy and seemingly lost. "Don't bother. Nobody is going to help you." She was now standing above me, the sword pulled back. Ready to strike. " please.." she struck me right in the chest.

I gasped as I shot my eyes open, and jolted forward, hyperventilating, sweating, crying, a scream had escaped my mouth and I started calming down and noticed I was in the car. We were still on the road, now getting some gas into the car.

"Cassie, you okay?" I felt someone go to touch my arm, but I twitched away. It was Devin and Chris was outside the car, watching silently. "sorry.. bad dream." I said and he sighed "do you wanna talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head and saw I had a hair tie on my wrist, which I then used to tie my hair back in a messy ponytail.

I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest and leaned against the window. "Where'd the others go?" I asked, my voice coming out scarce and a bit scared from the nightmare.

"They went to get some snacks and drinks and stuff. I stayed back to watch you. You know.. in case anything happened." He explained and I nodded "you good, Cas?" Chris asked from the outside and I hesitantly nodded. He just nodded in return and went back to what he was doing.

Soon, he was done and the other guys came back with bags upon bags of snack and drinks. Rockstar energy, Monster Energy, you name it, they basically bought it.

"We have returned. Anyone want something?" Ricky asked as they all piled back into the car, it was now Chris' turn to drive.

I shook my head politely as possible and turned on No Escape by Kuza. I sighed and closed my eyes, a deep breath escaping my lungs.

Time skip...

I sighed as I felt the car come to a stop. I opened my eyes and looked out the window, seeing we were parked outside of a house.

I saw the guys piling out of the car, me following after and I took out one earbud that was playing an MKTO song. This is what happens when I leave YouTube on when I'm asleep.

I sighed and put my earbuds and iPod in my jeans back pocket and the guys began helping unpack all my things from the car as Ricky unlocked the door to the house.

"Welcome to Casa Del Ricky!" Ricky exclaimed and I giggled and he chuckled "come on, I'll show you your room." He said and motioned for me to follow him and I followed him up a flight of stairs and down a hall and at the end of the hall on the left was a room with just a bed and a white carpet. "You have the whole room to make your own." He said and the guys set down my bags around the room "thanks for letting me stay with you, Ricky." I said and we shared a hug "no problem, little sister." He pet my hair and they went back downstairs and left me to make my room my own.

I sighed and started by putting all my clothes in the closet and my shoes along the bottom. I took out my bed sheets and blankets and put them on the bed, which I slid over into the corner.

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