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A month or so later..

Along the course of the next few days, me and Chris grew closer, and began to hold hands a bit, as I grew more comfortable with him.

I sighed as I sat back in my bunk, on my laptop. Today we were in Indianapolis , and I was fearing for my life. I knew someone lived in Indianapolis that knew who I was, and they wanted to hurt me. On top of that, they knew that I was with the guys on Warped.

"Cassie? You coming?" Ryan asked as the others were ready to head out and play their set.

"Uh, yeah. I'm coming." I said as I hopped out of my bunk and trailed behind Ryan. And the others.

I knew, whoever was here from my past, I would recognize them when I see them. I also felt a bit safer with Chris and the other guys around me.

Once we were outside, and walking toward the stage, I stuck beside Chris, his hand entwined into mine.

"You okay?" He asked quietly, so nobody else could hear and I nodded shyly.

"I think so." I replied and we soon arrived at the stage. "Have fun out there." I said happily to the guys as they got ready to go on, making sure their guitars were all working the way they should.

I looked up to Chris and had a hand on his cheek. "I'll see you after your set." I said and he smiled and I stood up on my toes and gently kissed his cheek before letting him run out on stage with the others.

I sighed as I stood side stage, watching the band play, Chris occasionally looking over at me, making sure I wouldn't go make an Irish exit.

"water?" The guys' manager asked, handing me a bottle of sparkling water.

"Sure, thanks." I said, taking the water. Everyone knew now that I liked sparkling water better than regular.

I cracked the top off, which came off easier than usual. He must've opened it a bit for me already.

Being cautious about the random drink handed to me, I smelled it, and I saw a tiny white, pill near fully dissolved at the bottom.

I knew not to drink it now, just to not die and to be safe, I sat it down next to me.

"..COME AND FUCKING GET US!!" Chris screamed, along with the crowd, as I smiled and bounced around side stage.

"Didn't accept my water?" I heard a familiar voice ask, and I turned and saw the one boy who I definitely never wanted to see here.
"It's a shame. I didn't want to have to come to this, but.. I guess whatever gets you back to me." He continued and I didn't let down my guard, even to glance to Ricky of Chris, or yell for help to get him away.

"What do you want, Jason?" I asked, no evident fear in my voice. Just anger. I was ready to fight him to the ground if I had to.

"I just want you back, babe." He tried to grab my hand, but I smacked him away.

"No way. We split years ago Jason. I've moved on, and you need to as well." I said seriously as I hear the guys finish up Immaculate Misconception, their last song.

"My sweet, Katelynn. I simply cannot move on. I've waited all this time just for you." He said and looked in my anger-filled eyes with his lust-filled eyes.

"Cassie? You okay?" Chris asked, standing behind me, and I sighed and looked up to him, his face looking just about as angry  as I am.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said and held Chris' hand in mine, as I walked away, sparing Jason one final, hatred filled glance.

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