Skating and Dating

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I sighed as I walked back home with Alex who had on a red All Time Low shirt, red striped and black jeans, one red and one black converse and an unzipped black hoodie, she had a feather necklace around her neck too.

I was just gonna run inside and grab some different clothes really quick. Turns out we are actually in the same neighborhood so she was getting her board and getting us some monster and then we were meeting outside of my house. I already told Ricky what I was up to, so he didn't really question me.

I put on a "Normal People Scare Me" TShirt, black distressed jeans, my black studded converse and a leather jacket that had a soft, hoodie on it.

I tied my hair back, leaving my fringe down and then grabbed my custom penny board.

"Hey, Some of my friends are gonna come down to help out a bit, with packing and all that driving and crap." Ricky said from one side of the door and I nodded "alright, cool." I said and smiled a bit.

Ricky was on my computer watching some Videos on YouTube. I had changed in the bathroom. "I'm off. See you later." I said and he waved "be back before 9:00" he said and I sighed "I won't be gone that long. We're only skating." I said and he smirked and chuckled "reguardless. Be safe." He said and I nodded and waved before I walked out of the room and headed downstairs.

"Where you going kiddo?" Mom asked. "With a friend." I replied and she hiccuped "don't get pregnant." I rolled my eyes and just walked out and saw Alex standing outside, waiting for me with two cans of monster and a blood red penny board that had blue wheels.

"Thanks." I said after she handed my the monster "ready to head off to this trail I have been told about?" She asked and I nodded "course I am." I said and added "follow me, it's not too far." I said and she nodded before we put our boards down and skated off.

I smiled as the wind brushed against my face and I showed Alex where to go and she happily followed as we eventually had arrived at a long, wide path that had a forested area on either side. It was almost directly behind my house so the left side wasn't thick at all and the right  side led almost immediately to a sky zone and a shopping center.

I sighed as we rolled down the path and I noticed my chill spot "let's sit here." I said and we stopped and sat in a tree that had low branches. "I always come out right here whenever I need some alone time, sometimes for homework or whatever." I said and she sighed as she sat on top of the branch "so. Am I the first person to know about this secret special tree?" She asked and I nodded "you must tell nobody." I said and she smiled "don't worry. Your secret is safe." She said and made a pinky promise. The most promising promise to ever promise.

"I feel like I should tell you a secret that nobody knows now." She said and I sighed "only if you want." The wind gently pushed back her platinum blonde hair and her blue eyes sparkled in the light of the sun. I never told anyone I was Bisexual. Except Ricky. I told him when we were kids before he left. He never brought it up before.

"I'm gay." She said, nervously and I smiled "you know why that's ironic?" I asked and she turned her head "why?" I smiled and sighed "because I so happen to be bisexual." I said and she smiled "it's good to share that in common that I like girls and you like girls. Not in the exact same way. But still." She said and i smiled. "Have you ever dated a girl before?" I was only asking, "no. Most girls think it's weird or gross." She shook her head and looked down "plot twist? I don't." I giggled and she did too. I noticed she had a small tattoo on her ring finger. It was three arrows. I had one on mine. It was an arrow pointing left, a line and then a line with two arrows on the right side.

"Neither do I." She said and I smiled "hey, crazy question and kinda weird to ask so soon into a friendship but I just really want to before it gets worse or out of control." She said and I began to wonder if she was thinking what I was. "What's up?" I asked and she sighed "do you maybe want to try dating? Just to see how it goes?" She asked and I smiled "don't think I'm crazy for asking." She said and I sighed "don't think I'm crazy for saying yes." I said and she smiled and we shared a hug while sitting on the branch. "Hey, my parents will probs be out tonight and my brother's in the guest room so maybe if you want, you can spend the night." I said and she nodded "sounds fun."

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