"Miss Evans"

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"What are you doing here!?" my voice cracked

"Relax Kate! I'm getting off in Jersey!"

"Did Justin send you here to see what I was doing because I won't be surprised if he did!" I put my hand on my head and continued. "He has to give me space! I'm not even his girlfriend or ever was! How do I forget about him Fredo!? How!?"

Fredo was Justin's best friend which apparently helped me through the chaos at the airport and I so happened to fall asleep on him.


"Have we landed?" I cut him off obviously pissed off.

"Were nearly there."

I took my phone out to check if I had signal to call Jess and ask what our last phone call was all about. I dialled her number and put it to my ear. I shot Fredo a death stare and looked out of the window to see how far we were exactly.

She picked up. "Hello Kate are you okay? I heard a lot of screaming and within seconds you hung up!"

"I'm all good just paparazzi and screaming fans located me I don't know how, what about Justin? you know... or last phone call."

"Are you sure you want to know?" she questioned. I had a feeling that I really didn't want to hear it, I looked back at Fredo who gave me a smile and looked away checking out the flight assistant. Typical Fredo. I rolled my eyes and faced the window again.

I took a deep breath "Shoot"

"Alright... so when you left the apartment..." she paused

"Justin came." My heart raised as the room started to get hot.

"What did he want?" I tried not to sound too concerned

"He barged in and ran to your room looking for you everywhere; he was so annoyed and pissed off... Kate his eyes were not brown. They were filled with anger and tears; it was not the Justin I know..."

"He ran to me and asked if you had left yet and I said 'yes' then he ran out of the house to his car and drove to the airport, I was so worried that he would do something to you Kate it was not the Justin I knew!"

"Jess don't say that!"

I looked up to see the flight assistant standing by our seats disappointed.

"Ma'am could you please turn your phone off we are ready to land." I gave her a weak smile and turned my phone off. I looked at Fredo giving him a look showing that hes going to be questioned like never before.

"Fredo, what happened when I passed out?"

He sighed and looked towards me.

"Well, I've noticed you're really claustrophobic because when the fans and paps approached you, your face turned pale and dropped but luckily I made it in time to catch you." His chest rose in pride.

"Justin was at the airport to find you unconscious. He quickly ran towards me holding you and picked you up screaming at all the fans and paparazzi to finally fuck off, but yet that still didn't really make a difference they all got louder and closer until 12 bodyguards came and walked us to a quiet place..."

"He was with me!?"

"Yeah, we didn't have much time to talk... but he kissed you..."

"He did what!?"

"It was really cute to be honest, it may sound corny but it was"

I raised my hand and touched my lips I glided my index finger across them and sighed.

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