"I didn't kill."

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*Kate’s P.O.V*

So I managed to talk myself out of talking to Justin about my mom. She was not an easy subject to talk about, it just brought bad memories back. Maybe someday I will be able to tell him, but now wasn’t the time.

I feel Justin’s legs tangled up around my body barely letting me breath, I manage to wriggle around and face him. He was still sleeping; he looked so careless and peaceful. I slide my index finger across his jawline and smile at his expression. Is nose wrinkled and he squinted his eyes pouting his lips.

His eyes opened and he looked at me still pouting his lips. “How long am I going to have to wait for this kiss?” he smiled as his hands slid up my side and to the back of my neck. He pulled me in and connected our lips while they moved perfectly in sync, I lifted my body up on top of his grinding against his length through his boxer shorts as his hands slide up my shirt leaving shivers on my exposed back, as he gripped my hips and grinded himself against me. Damn what a wakeup call.

His tongue slid across my bottom lip and then unexpectedly entered my mouth. I smile against the kiss as he groans, and pulls away. “Good morning.” He smiled. I bit my bottom lip sliding my hands down his exposed chest. “Great morning.” I give him a devilish but sexy pout.

Suddenly a bang at the door was heard. What a great way to ruin a moment. Justin sighs and throws his head into the pillows as I stand up out of the bed and walk towards the bathroom. “Get that would you.” I grin at him closing the door behind me.

*Justin’s P.O.V*

I growl against the pillow and throw it against the wall before standing up adjusting my boxers and slipping on a pair of sweatpants. Fuck the shirt. The banging gets louder. “IM COMING FOR FUCK SHAKE HOLD ON!” I scream towards the front door running down the stairs. I look at the monitor to see who it was. Scooter.

“Was it not clear enough what I said?” I growled at him yanking the door open.

“Justin look we need to talk.” He emphasises the ‘need’. He looked pretty serious about the situation… I roll my eyes and stand aside letting him walk in as I screw the back of his head. I tighten my jaw and slam the door behind him. “What do you want?” I snap at him running my hands through my hair.

“I’m here to warn you Justin-

“Warn me about what Scooter.” I growl and walk towards him.


I could feel my anger build up as my cheeks turned red and my eyes were darker than usual. Everyone seemed to have a problem with her. “Justin she is dangerous. She can get you kicked out of the music industry, your past wasn’t so bright earthier.” He walked back.

My hands curled into fists. How dare he bring my past into this? “If they find out you’re screwed Justin.” By ‘they’ he means the media.

“The people that are after her are dangerous.” How does he know about Vincent?

“You want to know something else?” I growl.

“Stacy. She works for them.” I snap. His eyes widen.

Alright so let me fill you in. Stacy knows everything I have done in the past because she was my girlfriend after I have succeeded all of this and now she’s famous too we broke up which leads her to blackmailing me whenever she wants something. This time, she wanted Kate out of the picture so she told Vincent about me. I don’t want the media to find out I was a killing, drug addict who worked for many gangs in Toronto.

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