"Because you will never forgive me."

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*Justin’s P.O.V*

I ran out of her apartment as I heard a girls voice call after me. “Justin what the hell are you doing? We weren’t finished!” she screamed. “I will come over tomorrow” I shouted back forcing my hoodie over my head.

This can’t be happening. Not right now. I love Kate and losing her would be the biggest mistake of my life. As I get closer to the entrance of the building I hear paparazzi and screaming fans. What the fuck is going on? How the hell do they know I’m here? This is not good. If they see me leaving her apartment, it’s going to be all over the news tomorrow. I have put Kate through a lot of shit lately.

I don’t want her to be getting pissed off. I stop just around the corner and head for the back door exit, slowly I open the door and creep to my car avoiding all the paps.

*Kate’s P.O.V*

I gently stroke Jazzy’s cheek and examine her beautiful face, I realised she has Justin’s lips. I smile to myself and plant a kiss on her cheek before leaving her bedroom. As I walk down the stairs I hear noises coming from the front door. I peak through the monitor and see flashes blinding me. I sigh loudly and look upstairs to see if Jazzy is still asleep.

Luckily she still was, but the chaos outside won’t allow her to sleep for any longer. I felt my anger build up as my hands curl into fists. I violently drag the door open to see flashes of photographers blinding me again. I put my hand out in front of my eyes to avoid the flashes. “Are you insane? There is a child sleeping! Can’t you just go and find someone else to bother!?” I scream over the paps.

“You and Justin have a baby?” one of the paps screamed.

“No it’s his little sister you asshole.” I shout.

“Are you aware that Justin is cheating on you?” one of them called out.

My heart froze as a shock of anger went through my body making me cringe of disgust. I avoid the question and slowly start to close the door. “If you’re going to take pictures, take them quietly I don’t want her waking up. That’s all I’m asking for.” I shout as I closed the door behind me.

I walk to the couch and sink myself into it as I scan the room trying avoid my anger. “Are you aware Justin is cheating on you?” he can’t. I thought we were real? I grab my roots and close my eyes as my thoughts take over.

He lied to you.

There’s someone better.

Worthless whore.

He’s cheating on you.

“STOP” I scream. “Stop it, stop it, stop it.” I say louder as tears roll down my face. I lean my elbows on my thighs and quietly weep into my hands. This can’t be true. Why am I so weak? Slowly silence overcomes the room and I stare at the white piano sitting in the middle of the room. I remember my passion for music. It got me out of trouble for a while but ever since my father died I never thought music would be the same.


I run over to see daddy playing the piano. His fingers were pressing the white buttons as the notes came out perfectly clear. “Daddy, daddy!” I shouted as he stopped playing and turned to me. “Hello my beautiful girl! How are you?” he picked me up and sat me on his lap. “Can you teach me how to play the piano?” I smile up at him with my two new ‘big girl’ teeth. I was 5 then.

I smile at the past and slowly walk over to the piano gliding my fingers across the white keys.

“I will teach you honey. Here sit next to me.” He smiled at me with his big white teeth as he pressed the keys letting out soft music dancing in my ears.

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