"Karmas a bitch"

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*Kate's P.O.V*

''Will you marry me?"

My breath hitched and all of a sudden I started panting as my palms got sweatier.

Everybody gasped and darted their glairs in my direction waiting for a rational answer. I looked around the room to see thousands of eyes burning through my body, my legs started to shake as I parted my lips and stared down at Justin on one knee wearing a tux and a beautiful silver ring in his hands.

I felt my eyes watering when I bit the inside of my cheek and stared into Justin's chocolate brown orbs just waiting for an answer. I couldn't force a single word out but stare. I felt a warm tear escape my eye. I couldn't believe that Justin is actually proposing to me. To someone who made his life miserable, I don't want to hurt him.

I built up the courage to slowly walk towards him and place my right hand on his cheek and get down to his level.

I bit my lip and watched his eyes fill up with worry. I got closer and closer when our lips were just a few inches apart.


And with that one word everybody cheered and campaigns popped. Justin's eyes were calm and filled with tears. "I thought you were going to turn me down." He whispered, we crashed our lips together as our tongues were fighting for dominance.

Kissing him after a long 4 months was a feeling I've never experienced before, it was a feeling that nobody can ever experience unless they were madly in love, which I was.

We stood up on our feet and Justin hugged me lifting my feet on the ground before he placed a gentile kiss on my lips and held out my left hand. He took the ring out of the box and gently slipped it on my finger as i felt the cold sliver slip down.

I watched as his hands started to shake and place my hand around his shoulders staring deeply into his eyes.

"I love you Kate" he bit his lip.

"I love you too Justin" I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek.

I felt his hands slide to my hips as our lips made contact again, they moved passionately and in perfect rhythm. "I can't wait to call you Mrs Bieber." He whispered against my lips.

Kate Lilly Bieber. Somebody pinch me. I wasn't ready for such a change but I guess you got to take what live gives you.

Suddenly I felt a strong arm on my shoulder which snapped me into reality, I turned to see Robby holding his arms open ready to hug me tight.

"Congratulations, love!" he spoke up embracing me into a bear hug.

"Thanks" I smile up at him as I felt Justin's hands on my waist gently tugging on them signalling me to get closer to him.

"Kate we need to talk" his eyes were suddenly worried and my heart stopped.

"What's wrong?" I bit my lip looking into his beautiful brown orbs.

"Firstly, lets go to dinner with everybody." He smiled and slipped his hand into mine and pulled me across the hallway into a beautiful reception where everybody was already seated.

The room was a creamy colour with beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the tables were set out with white roses and napkins shaped into little white doves.

I really don't remember having all of this set up. "This is so beautiful Justin!" I felt tears prick my eyes. "You are beautiful Kate." I felt his eyes follow my every move, practically burning through me.

I felt his warm hand make connection with my back as he gently guided me across the room onto a table where Pattie, Jeremy, Jess, Christopher, Fredo, Za, Kelsey and her boyfriend were sitting.

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