"It's your time to shine baby."

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A buzzing noise from my side draw started going insane waking me up. I look up at my phone to see 3 new messages.

Justin: “Baby girl are you okay!? I saw everything on twitter last night, they harassed you pretty bad! You can’t leave the house without anyone to protect you, I have 2 body guards outside your building names are Spencer and Bruce. Stay strong. (Sent 1h ago)

Justin: “Are you awake yet?” (Sent 30mins ago)

Justin: “I want to see your face, go on video chat.” (Sent 3mins ago)

I smile at my screen and power my laptop and call Justin. After 4 signals Justin picked up.

“Baby girl are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

“Do you realise you were in so much danger yesterday?”

“I needed to get some groceries”

 “I hope you got my message. I sent bodyguards to your house just so that the paparazzi don’t get so close to you. If you ask Fredo when I was watching the videos I was about to kick someone’s ass my adrenaline was pumping, and there was no way I could have helped you.”

“Justin it’s alright. Yeah it was a shock but I’m okay now.”

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Do those the scars, have something to do with your tattoo?”

My body froze as a flashback from my past has emerged.


“Mommy please don’t leave me alone with him!”

“Shh honey everything is going to be alright I just have to go to the store, stay here with Vincent he won’t hurt you.”

I looked back at the old overweight douche sitting in are chair swearing at the Tv. I gave her a one last look and kiss her on the cheek. “I love you mom.” She kissed me back and closed the door behind her. I sat on the floor by the front door and waited with my hands covering my face hoping for mom to come home really soon.

Suddenly I felt a heavy strong hand hit me around the head. “Get the fuck up off the floor you little slut!” Vincent yelled.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I screamed, another punch was aimed at my head nearly knocking me out. The room started to get fuzzy as I saw Vincent take his cigarette out of his mouth. He grabbed my arm and put out the cigarette by burning it into my flesh. I screamed out loud the pain was horrendous. He dropped my hand and picked me up by my shoulders throwing me against the wall. “You better listen to your daddy.” He laughed.

Holding my burnt arm I clenched my teeth and spat in his face. “You’re not my dad.”

Anger in his eyes built up as he kicked me in the stomach and walked off leaving me in complete pain. I stood up and ran into my room and closing myself in the bathroom. And from that moment I couldn’t forget picking up that razorblade and cutting through my skin. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. I felt as if I have deserved it. It was my fault that I got beaten every day. And worst of all, I couldn’t tell anyone. I was alone. My thoughts took over me as the blood was dripping from wrists onto the floor…

“Justin I really-

“No its okay you don’t have to tell me, maybe someday you can open up.” He smiled. I slid my finger across his beautiful smile on the screen.

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