"Just kill me."

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*Kate’s P.O.V*

Okay so day two of the living misery waits. Lately I've been having a weird feeling about today. I woke up in the middle of the night about three times, I don’t know why but I felt the need to check up on Jazzy. Something told me that I had to and so I did. Last night was quite restless but it doesn’t affect me in any way, I want to be the old Kate, the happy Kate. And today will probably be the day that I will try my best.

Iscan Justin's bedroom to find a pair of sweats and a tank top. I throw my hair in a messy bun and stroll out of the bedroom, as I close the door behind me I crashed into Pattie.

“Oh my gosh I am so sorry.”

“Aw honey don’t worry about it. It happens” she smiled.

“Good morning by the way.” I tucked a strand of brown hair behind my ear and walked towards the staircase.

“Good morning, how have you been feeling lately?”

“On the dodgy side but getting better.” I gave her a weak smile and walked down stairs smelling bacon and eggs.

“Hmm smelling good.” I walked up to Justin, placing a kiss on his bare shoulder. Waking up to shirtless Justin frying bacon and eggs is a view I’ll never get bored of. “Katie! Katie!” Jazzy jumped up and down.

“I want to go to the mall today!”

Justin turned around and placed bacon and eggs on everybody’s plates then turns to Jazzy shaking his head. “Jazzy I've already told you that Kate might not want to.” He said putting the pan into the sink.

“Oh no Justin it’s alright I will take her.” I stabbed my fork into the bacon.

“Are you sure you can handle… you know…” his eyes met mine.

My breath hitched as the thought of Vincent came up for the first time today. I have to man up and stop running away from all my problems. I stabbed my fork into my other peace of bacon and stated.

“We will be fine, I’ll take jazzy to see mini Hunters again.” I smiled down at her and watched her beautiful little face brighten up.

“See Justin! Katie will take me!”

I giggled and put my plate and fork into the sink. “Justin put a shirt on.” A raspy morning voice came from Jeremy standing in the doorway. “We don’t want to be looking at…” he gestured towards Justin's body “That.” He yawned and grabbed a plate.  “Good to see you too dad” Justin grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs, into Justin's room as he locked the door.

“Care to take a shower with the Bieber” he sarcastically spoke.

“Maybe ‘The Bieber’ wants to put a shirt on” I giggled as he got closer to me; I felt his breath at my ear. “We both know you don’t want that.” He growled as I felt his hand slide down to my ass. The sound of his morning voice in my ear was close to already sending me off the edge. My hands slowly glided across his torso and to his waist when our lips made contact my stomach exploded with butterflies and my heart started pounding as a wave of shivers struck my body.

I felt a forceful push against the wall as our kiss went from gentile and loving to rough and sexy, his nails were digging into my hips and his hands then slid into my sweats when he cupped my ass and lifted me off the ground, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I like those sweatpants” he breathlessly spoke into the kiss.

“Thanks” I replied just as breathless as him. “You know… those sweatpants look good on the floor too” he bit my lip as I giggled. I looked deep into his brown orbs that were glimmering with darkness and secrets. “Were you always this cheesy?” I giggled.  “Only in situations like this” he grinned exposing his pearl white teeth.

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