"You can't keep running away from yourself."

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*Kate’s P.O.V*

“Justin Bieber is charged guilty!” The judge said slamming his gavel onto the desk. My heart stopped as I look around the courtroom to see Justin's family with disappointment written all over their faces. I'm sorry.

The police man barged past me and grabbed Justin by his arm then tightly secured the handcuffs on his wrists.

“Justin Bieber is charged guilty for murder of Vincent Bolton in an abandoned warehouse which also counts as breaking and entering.” He took a deep breath and turned the page of the files.

“Justin Bieber I charge you 2 years in jail and a deportation back to Canada. Therefore your world tour is cancelled.” Everybody sighed as I dropped to my knees and bawled.

This is all my fault! The whole world now hates me because of my stepfather. Justin is being deported to Canada and cannot carry on with his tour, this is going to be news for the whole world.

Slowly I see my life fall apart in front of my eyes.

“Case dismissed.” The judge decided.

My breathing increased as my eyelids flew open, my chest is batting up and down non-stop. The events of a month ago keep coming back to haunt me, I don’t know what it’s trying to tell me but its making my guilt increase each time.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and walk down the stairs avoiding stepping on Hunter. He is the only company I have right now. After Justin was deported back to Canada everybody, literally everybody turned away from me.

The whole world hated me.

If only I could reverse time I would, but this is the real world, every good thing comes with little bad.

So let me tell you a little about what happened after the world found out I was the reason behind why my fiancé was arrested.

The next day came and the news were bragging non-stop, reporters filled our front porch and stayed there for about two weeks. It was impossible to get past anyone without being questioned or insulted.

“Are you aware that you are the reason Justin Bieber is in jail?”

“You turned him into a murder!”

“Kill yourself before the world does it for you.”

I was a wreck. And I still am. I moved out of Justin's mansion to live somewhere where nobody knew where I was. I had to keep my location on the low. I have to wear disguise and not talk to anyone just in case they recognise me.

Today is the day of Jason McCann’s funeral, I would be stupid not to attend it, the boy saved my life and the least I could do was to show up on his funeral, pray for him, and thank him.

The negative point about it was that I was not invited to the funeral. I had to make my own way down secretly.

I slip on my black dress and heels covering my body with a warm knee-length coat. I look into the mirror and stare at the girl with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes, the makeup I used to wear was very natural but now I have to change my style completely.

I open the cabinet to the left and take out two small circular containers, containing my new eyes. Everybody knows ‘Kate Lilly Evans’ by her ocean kissed blue eyes.

Well today I'm saying goodbye to them once and for all. I open the container and fish out my dark, dark brown contact lenses and place them gently on my eyeball. I blink them into place and stare into the mirror as I cry my eyes out.

The world can be so cruel, cruel enough to change a person and not allow them to be whom they actually are.

My makeup had a dark vibe to it, I pick up the bright red lipstick and glide it across my bottom lip. I look so different, nobody could tell who I am anymore it went to the point where I didn’t even know who the hell I was.

“We are gathered here today on this rainy day to say goodbye to our beloved son Jason McCann”

I walked around the corner and stayed on the low so nobody could see me. I close my eyes and pray to God asking for everything to be alright with Jason and most importantly, Justin.

I carefully listen to Jason’s father struggling to perform his speech, a tear rolled down my cheek as I gently snorted and wiped it. As I was about to turn around I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around and hope it’s not the media.

As my eyes met with her beautiful brown orbs I couldn’t believe my eyes.

It was Pattie.

My first reaction was to slowly walk backwards not taking my eyes off hers.


“You must have me mistaken ma’am” I put my hands out in front of me.

“Kate I know it’s you-

“NO! I AM NOT KATE!” I shout running towards the exit of the grave yard.

“You can’t keep running away from yourself.” She grabbed my wrist.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shook my head.

Pattie dragged me towards the car park and calmed me down wiping the tears from my eyes. “Pattie it’s all my fault I am so sorry!” I struggle to breath.

“Shh shh honey its okay, just breathe.” She caresses my cheek.

“Please forgive me.”

“Honey I have already forgiven you, I know the story and to make you feel better I never turned away from you.”

“It was a shock to see my son being put into jail but God taught us to forgive because without forgiveness there is nothing to live for.”

I stare down at my tangled fingers slowly letting the words skink in.

“I was hoping to see you here today, I wanted to keep in contact but it’s hard to reach you, and I’ve called the police and reported you missing. Kate we miss you and want you back.”

“Everybody turned away from me.” I stared down at the ground letting a tear escape.

“No Kate, you turned away from everybody.” Her eyes were burning through my soul.

Heyyyy okay so personally I do not like this chapter but I had to update I feel so bad having you guys wait nearly two months, hopefully you are still here I'm going to write a few more LONG chapters and round the book to an end. I apologise for the really short chapter, I just wanted to tell you about what happened after Justin got arrested.

You guys still here?....

*Silence* hahah ok next chapter really soon I promise:)

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