Chapter 4

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The next morning Marie felt sluggish, she hadn't slept well. Whoever Volto was, had spooked her more than she wanted to admit. Before going to bed, she went through the house double checking the locks on the doors and windows. She shut every window shade, and then the curtains.

In bed she laid there, trying to force sleep to come. It seemed every time she'd start to doze off, a sound would jolt her awake. She ended up listening for sounds. Every creak, or any little noise had her imagining someone was in the house.

North's words were also on repeat in her head. It was hard to believe those things had happened to Sang. She knew what he said was true, and she didn't pay attention. But now she knew that what had happened to her, never happened to Sang. At least that was one thing she protected Sang from, even if nobody will ever know it.

Marie looked around her bedroom shaking her head. "I'm such a slob." She got dressed and started piling up clothes to take to the washing machine.

The doorbell started ringing repeatedly as she was carrying an overfull laundry basket down the stairs. "Crap," she mumbled as she set the basket down to open the door.

Flinging open the door, she saw Gabriel with his arms crossed leaning on the doorbell. "Okay! You can stop anytime, the doors open! What are you doing here anyway?" she demanded with her usual glare.

"About fucking time. Are you ready? Let's go." Gabriel turned away and started walking to a car.

"What the hell are you talking about? Go where?" Marie crossed her arms and stayed in the doorway staring him down.

Gabriel turned back around looking at her. "What? I sent you a text that I'd pick you up. Didn't you read it?"

"No. I was charging my phone and never thought to look." Marie didn't want to tell him that she seldom got a text or a call, or that she never bothered with her phone much. The only people who ever text or called were Danielle and Derrick. Danielle only when she wanted something from her, and Derrick, who would send an occasional text, but usually just showed up at her door.

Gabriel walked back to the steps, he pointed at her looking annoyed. "Look, you're the one that asked for help with this. I held up my end of the bargain, I arranged a hair and makeup appointment for you, and I let you know." He frowned at her, his mouth set in a straight line."It's not my fault you didn't check your phone. So, either we do this now, or you have to wait till I'm free again." He turned around stomping back to the car. "It's going to be a long fucking day, I can just tell," he muttered as he started the car.

Marie felt her stomach clench. She turned back inside, grabbed her purse and locked the door. Hurrying to get in the car, she snuck a glance at Gabriel as she slid into the seat. He wasn't looking at her, he was looking straight ahead tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music on the radio.

The minute she shut the door, Gabriel backed out of the drive. "Do you have your phone with you?" Marie pulled it out of her purse holding it up. Gabriel nodded. "Always keep it on you. And check it every once in awhile."

Looking at it, she turned it on. Two text messages were missed. Gabriel's, that she deleted, and one from Danielle.

Danielle : Party tonight! You WILL be going. Be ready at 8

Marie sighed looking out the window as they drove out of Sunnyvale Court. She was really getting sick of Danielle never bothering to ask, she always just ordered.

"Where are we going? I guess I thought you'd just help me at home. I didn't mean for you to drag me somewhere."

Gabriel scoffed at her. "Shit, like you'd really listen to what I had to say? I'm letting Adam take over." Gabriel started laughing. "When I told him I was letting him do whatever he wanted to Sang's sister, he about crapped himself."

Marie mouth dropped as she stared at Gabriel. "Do what he wants? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Looking at Marie, Gabriel rolled his eyes and smirked. "Hair and makeup Marie. This isn't some booty call. Fuck, what kind of a guy do you think I am?"

As they pulled into a parking lot and Marie looked at the little shops. She could tell that these places were way out of her budget. She grabbed Gabriel's arm stopping him from getting out of the car. "You can't take me here! I can't afford this place!"

"It's fine," he dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand. "I made a deal with Adam. He's always working on new highlights and colors and wanted someone he could try some new shit out on..."

Gabriel was silenced by the menacing look from an angry Marie. "So what you're telling me," she questioned in a low angry voice, "is that I'm going to be someone's mannequin, just a dummy for someone to experiment on? I'm getting this for free so I don't have any say in how I look?" Marie was seething. "I will not be walking out of there with purple fucking hair. I mean it Gabriel, if I walk out of there looking worse than I do now, our deal is over."

His head lowered as he breathed out slowly as he shook his head. "Dammit, Marie, you won't be walking out of here looking stupid. I know what I'm doing," he replied, his crystal eyes glaring at her. "You need to learn to trust a little. Not everyone is out to get you. Even though you deserve it."

"Try living my life then tell me if you know what I deserve." She looked at him defiantly.

Gabriel laughed at her. "You don't know the half of what any of us might have lived through. So don't pull that boo fucking hoo shit on me it won't work. Besides, I know you didn't go through any of the crap Sang did. So get the fuck over yourself."

"Sang. Everything goes back to Sang," she hissed.

"Hell yes it does. That's my girlfriend and I'll always defend her. Think about this Marie." He turned in the seat to face her. "Your dad wants nothing to do with you. You mom is dying. Sang's the only relative you're going to have someday. She's never done a mean thing to you, she's always wanting what's best for you. Most sister's would have turned their backs after being treated like she was. But not her! So think about that."

He got out of the car, slamming the door shut. Marie was taken aback by what he said but scrambled to get her seatbelt off and grab her purse. She had just reached for the door handle when Gabriel opened her door for her.

"Why did you do that?" she asked him getting out.

He tilted his head perplexed, before he realisation hit him. "It's the south, Marie. Get used to it. Now move it."

He grabbed her arm tugging her to the door of a boutique called Maree. Gabriel turned to her before he opened the door. "I mean it Marie," he warned pointing his finger at her, "don't be a bitch to these people. Get that chip off your shoulder for awhile. This could surprise you and you might actually enjoy yourself if you give it half a chance."

Before she could reply, he had opened the door, ushering her inside.

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