Chapter 21

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"Time for your meds, Mrs.S." Mindy came into the room leaving the door slightly ajar. She handed Mrs. Sorenson a small paper medication cup and waited as she swallowed the pills before handing her a glass of water. "You had quite a day haven't you. I have to ask, what were you thinking?"

Mrs. Sorenson glared at Mindy. "You aren't needed here. I see what you and are doing," she spat out. "You're all turning my daughter's head. Taking advantage of her. Those men only want her body. And when they're done with her, what then? This is my house, Marie's place is to take care of me, along with his bastard daughter. She owes me! They both do."

"Mrs. Sorenson," Mindy spoke firmly. "Everyone's bent over backwards for you. In spite of, I might add. There's only one person here that is trying to take advantage of Marie, and it's certainly not me or any of the guys. You should be grateful that you're able to be in your own home and not in a nursing home."

Marie and Axel, out of sight of Mrs.Sorenson, listened in the hall.

It had happened so fast, that Marie could barely wrap her head around it. Earlier, with Raven and Jay giving her much needed confidence, she faced the team. What she thought made it worse, was the fact that besides Mr.Blackbourne still being there, was the addition of Dr.Green and Kota.

Standing in the living room with Jay and Raven on each side of her, she looked in the faces of the others. Struggling with emotions that went from shame, guilt, anger and despair, she tried to bury those feelings. She had to if she was ever going to make it through this. She still wanted to run and hide, but there was something about being around all of them that stopped her, a familiarity of sorts. It was a good feeling, but she didn't understand why. Yet it gave her the courage to go on. After a few rough starts, she was finally able to tell them everything she remembered, and every sordid detail of what her parents had done.

The room was quiet by the time she had finished.

"This is exactly what we need to ensure she's not taken from us." It was quietly said. She couldn't be sure, but thought she saw tears in his eyes before he abruptly turned away from everyone. After a few moments, Mr. Blackbourne cleared his throat, turning back around. Facing Marie, he gave her the closest thing to a smile she thinks she's ever seen on him.

She was brought back to the present by Axel rubbing his hands up and down her arms. "You can do this. Remember, say whatever you have to, antagonize her, rattle her cage, do anything to get her talking. The camera's are on and recording. You won't be alone, I'll be right outside the door."

Marie nodded at everything he said. "I know, I know," she told him. "I won't let her get to me. This is too important. I'm doing this for Sang. For myself. For our future. I'm going to stand up for myself. I can do it. I'm brave." She blushed and smiled nervously as her pep talk rapidly spilled from her mouth.

Axel brought his hands to her cheeks and grinned. "Hell yeah, you're fuckin fearless." His eyes softened as he moved his hands to her waist. Leaning down slightly, he rested his forehead against hers. "You're growing on me. How'd you do that?"

She tilted her head like she was pondering his question. "Hmm, my charming personality?" She teased as she wrapped a curl around her finger trying to look innocent.

He tapped his chin looking amused and chuckled. "Yeah... that's not it."

Hearing her mother's raised voice sobered Marie. She looked at Axel and took a deep breath. "Guess I better go in there." She walked to the door and looked back at Axel giving him a small smile before pushing the door open.

"Well look who decided to grace me with her presence."

"Mindy, do you mind? I'd like to speak privately with my mother."

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