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Twenty Five years later

They almost lost their chance at securing one of the most sought after venues in town. Reservations were booked months in advance. But once again, the Academy came through, making it happen. And Marie couldn't be more pleased, the grand ballroom of the hotel held a stunning mixture of Charleston's charm and elegance. The perfect backdrop for a fairytale wedding.

Her eyes traveled from the crystal chandeliers, to the ballrooms hand painted murals as she held onto Jays lapels. Every inch of the room took her breath away. She blinked rapidly trying to hold back tears and leaned her head against his chest. His arms engulfed her as they slowly swayed to the music.

"How did this happen?" She looked across the dance floor in astonishment at the newly married couple. "Why does time have to go by so fast?" She lifted her head from Jay's chest and gazed up at him. "I want my little boy back."

Jay chuckled and leaned her back into a dip. "We did good, Marie," he said before gently bringing her back up. "We raised our son the best we could and he turned into a fine man."

Marie watched their first born son for a moment before smiling up at Jay. "We've had a lot of firsts together, haven't we? I wouldn't have changed a thing, Jay. Not one thing."

"Neither would I," he said, kissing her mouth softly. He peered across the room at twenty two year old Jace. "The day he joined the Marine Corp was one of the proudest moments of my life. Now look at him, he's a married man." He gave her a look of adoration. "We made him, Marie," he whispered in wonderment. "We gave him life."

"We did good, Jay," Marie said, repeating Jay's words. She again rested her head on his chest and giggled. Pulling back, she looked up at him and grinned. "I'll never forget the day I went into labor. I remember being nervous as a cat and once the labor pains started, I convinced myself it was just braxton hicks and it'd pass. Of course being typical me, I didn't say a word to anyone."

Jay nodded. "Good thing we were hosting a family dinner with the Blackbourne team."

"You got that right." She snickered. "Poor Luke. We were the only ones in the kitchen setting out desserts. Luke had just gotten out his tray of cupcakes when suddenly I had a big contraction and felt like I had to push. His eyes bugged out and the next thing I knew he was sprinting down the hallway to the family room, still holding his cupcake tray." Marie laughed against Jays chest.

"Oh, god." Jay laughed, shaking his head. "I'll never forget how he came flying into the room and North started right in on him about having a sugar high. Luke was so shook up he forgot he was holding a tray in one hand. Of course that was the arm he used to fling out and point back toward the kitchen! Cupcakes went flying in all directions. Luke just stood there for a second with a dumbfounded expression on his face, watching all his cupcakes land. One hit North on the cheek, another landed in Mr. B's lap. Chase raced around snatching what he could.

"Everyone was speechless. Then Mr. B pipes up in that commanding voice of his 'explain, Mr.Taylor.' All Luke could get out was 'she - she-.' I swear Marie, when he was finally able to get out the word baby, I thought my heart would stop." Jay sighed heavily. "Thank God, Sean and Mindy were there, since by that time it was to late to get you to the hospital."

"Which was really embarrassing," Marie added. "I don't care if he is a doctor, I never planned on ever having a brother- in -law see that much of me."

"Just be glad it was only the three of us in the room with you."

"Oh, trust me I am. Luckily I wised up and paid better attention to myself with the next five pregnancies." Marie peered at up at Jay with a twinkle in her eye. "We could be grandparents soon."

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