Chapter 46

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"Camille, sit down and just listen to me."

"This is all your fault! I always knew you were a bad influence on him!"

Standing on the other side of the door Jay rolled his eyes hearing the last part of the conversation. He pinched the bridge of his nose before peering over his shoulder at Axel.

"What are the odds," he said. "What are the fucking odds my parents would show up, today of all days."

Axel clasped Jay's shoulder. "Keep your cool. We'll handle it. Besides, what can they do?"

Jay pushed open the door to what was once the family library. Now it was mostly Corey's domain. Work stations were set up around the room intermixed with frameless chalkboards covering some of the empty bookshelves. Jay liked to think of the room as Toma Team central.

"Mom, Dad." Jay nodded. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Obviously," his father replied in a clipped voice.

"What's the meaning of all this?" His mother rounded on him. "Jay, what are you thinking?"

"He's not thinking!" his father sneered. "When we sold you boys this place, we did it in good faith that you were all responsible young men. Imagine how we feel coming here and seeing this." His arm swung toward the window facing the backyard. "I never thought my own son would get himself mixed up in that kind of lifestyle. Is she that good of a fuck that you'd ignore the fact that she's spreading her legs for five other guys?"

Jay launched himself toward his father. It took both Axel and Henry to hold him back. Father and son faced off. They shared the same build, the same dark eyes that were almost black as they glared at each other.

"Let him go," his father told them. "If Jay here thinks he's got what it takes to take me down. He's welcome to try."

"You're in my house, now." Jay's low Southern drawl sounded deadly. "And you will respect my wife."

Camille sucked in a sharp breath.

"Todd, Camille, sit down," Henry said. "Do you really want to alienate your son? Do you want to be cut out of his life? Because let me tell you throwing insults like that is exactly where this will lead. If you keep driving a wedge between you, I can guarantee you'll both live to regret it."

Henry rolled a computer chair toward Camille. She sat down smoothing out her slacks before leveling her eyes on Jay. "You're not even eighteen yet. What do you even know about this girl?" She looked up at Henry. "Did you set her up with them, Uncle Hank?"

Todd leaned against the wall near his wife. "It doesn't matter what they try to tell you, Camille," he said. "I'll have my firm run a check on her. Within twenty fours hours I'll have everything we need to know."

Axel's gaze sharpened on Jay's father. "You'll be disappointed. But go ahead. It's your money."

"I don't think so," Todd replied. "Everyone has something to hide."

"You're right dad. Everyone does have something to hide." Jay rubbed a finger along his scar. "You and mom know about that better than anyone."

"You're bringing your sister into this? Your own twin?" His mother's eyes filled.

"That's low, Jay." His father stiffened."Your sister is ill. Her situation has nothing to do with any of this."

Jay split his gaze between his parents. "My so called sister is deranged. She needed help long before she sliced my face open. But you two became pro's at covering her deeds. Wouldn't want your friends to know you have a psychotic daughter. What would that do to your standing in the community?"

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