Chapter 20

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"What's this?" Marie asked laughing as she kneeled in front of Chase. His tail whipped delightfully as he held a stuffed animal in his mouth. "A rabbit? It's just hanging there like it's dead." She looked up at Brandon amused.

"Uh, I took him into Petco." He shrugged with a grin. "Marc didn't buy him a toy and I thought he needed one. It's a Skinneeez, the lady said dogs love them and he kind of picked that one."

Marie cupped Chase's face. "Aww, did Uncle Brandon buy you a toy?"

Brandon rolled his eyes before a smile crossed his face. "Hey, we bonded, what can I say," he replied holding out his hand to help her up. "Maybe if you're nice, Chase and I will take you with us next time."

"And interfere with boys bonding time?" She feigned shock as she smirked at Brandon. "Help me get these casseroles fixed and in the oven then maybe I'll consider it." She had a grin on her face as she took ingredients out of the cupboard.

"Yes, ma'am." Brandon replied as he got to work.

Owen Blackbourne watched with interest, the interaction between Marie and Brandon. He had never observed this side of Sang's sister, although Mr.Coleman had informed him of her change in demeanor when he brought her to Adam, and again, when they were clothes shopping. Whether she was aware of it or not, the walls that she usually has built around herself were down. Watching her now, she was far from the surly girl he normally saw. Sure, he knew Marie had a long way to go yet. But it seems the Toma team might be slowly chipping away at her walls and building her confidence. Even the sorrow that usually clouds Mr. Henshaw's eyes were diminished. He suspected that the Toma team might need Marie, as much as she needed them.

Chase trotted happily over to Owen laying his toy at his feet. With a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, he knelt down running his hand along Chase's coat. "He's gained some weight," he remarked. "Has your mother seen him?"

Marie scoffed. "She sure has. He won't go into her room, but he stands in the doorway if I'm in there. She actually growled when she first saw him. I expected him to growl back, but he didn't. He doesn't take his eyes off her, though." Marie laughed as she slid the casserole dishes into the oven.

"Marie, you've got enough stuff in here for a tossed salad," Brandon said bent over looking in the refrigerator. "Let's put one together."

"Oh, yeah, we can do that." Marie got a large bowl out of the cupboard and put it firmly on the counter scowling. "You know, I'm fixing food and acting like everythings normal, when all I really want to do is go back there and chew her out for what she did. She can't get away with this."

Owen pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at the screen. "I know you do, but it's what she wants." He held his phone across the island counter letting Marie and Brandon look at the screen. They watched her mother sitting on her bed tapping the end of her cane on the floor. At times, she'd snap her head up and look at the closed bedroom door. Her eyes were angry, her mouth set in a firm straight line.

"I think it would be in your best interest not to play into what she expects just yet. Don't give her the satisfaction," he told her putting his phone away. He watched her look to Brandon for confirmation of his words as he rolled his sleeves back down and put on his suit jacket.

"He's right," Brandon said as he laid out vegetables for the salad. "Axel will be here soon anyway. Then we can decide what to do about her."

Even though she didn't want to, she relented. She was trying to occupy her mind on the veggies she was chopping when the front door slammed open. More bodies invaded her kitchen. Glancing up her face tinged as the entire team came in, including Mindy.

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