Chapter 28

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"Come on, Marie. Where's your sense of adventure?" Jay stood behind her with a grin on his face as Marie looked up, way up. 

Marie swallowed. "I think I left it at school in my locker."

She was in awe of his tree house, it was huge. But then he had to drag her over to a tall hickory tree, telling her this was the only way to get up.

She looked at the boards nailed into the tree, and then at the rope bridge she'd have to cross to get to the tree house.

"I'll be right behind you, I won't let you fall," he said close to her ear.

"I hope I don't regret this," she muttered. "At least I didn't wear a skirt today." She rubbed her sweaty palms on her skinny jeans getting ready to grab onto a board.

"Too bad for me," Jay mumbled under his breath reaching for her hips. He lifted her up so she'd have no choice but to grab a board. 

As Marie started to climb, Jay stayed with her the whole way up. His height made it possible for him to keep her between himself and the tree. He kept his hands one board ahead of hers.

She could feel Jay's solid body pressing against hers, and seeing his strong arms on each side of her made her feel safe. Well, as safe as you could feel climbing up the side of a tall tree.

Once at the top, Marie hesitated not sure how to get onto the tree itself. "Okay, now what?"

"Relax, pull yourself up. You can do it," he said with his face was close to her hair breathing in her honeysuckle scent. The temptation to kiss her neck was so strong. This is bad, he thought, he's getting turned on hanging on the side of a damn tree. Shit! Not the time, and certainly not the place ! He felt his jeans tighten. He had to hold in a groan when her body eased up his as she attempted to crawl onto the tree. There was nothing he could do but watch. He smiled, he couldn't help it.  

"I made it!" Marie gushed enthusiastically, looking back at Jay. "That had to be twenty feet at least, right?"

"Thirty four," he told her clearing his throat finally meeting her eyes. When Marie looked away again, he quickly adjusted himself before heaving himself up next to her.  

"Only forty feet to go."

Marie leaned into him on the small platform holding onto his arm, looking at the bridge. She swallowed hard. "Forty feet huh? How about that..."

"It's safe." He took her hands off his arm tugging her a little closer to the bridge. "Step down and hold onto the hand ropes."

Marie slowly stepped off the platform and onto a plank. She quickly grabbed the waist high cables, trying to hold herself steady. Taking a step out, the plank bridge slightly sinks beneath her weight. A couple more steps out, she feels a sway in the bridge. Not much, but enough to make her feel unsteady.

She grit her teeth holding on tight. With each step, she stares at the planks. Each one is only about six inches apart, but to her it seems like a foot. Dory's voice is on repeat in her head, but instead of swimming, it's chanting, just keep walking, just keep walking.

The bridge swayed and bounced when Jay stepped on. Her breath caught and she felt her stomach drop, a light headed feeling came over her. Forcing herself to look to the end, she moaned, oh god, not even halfway. What if it flips? Can it? What if a rope loosens from the tree? We're gonna die. Why did I agree to this? Her knuckles were turning white from the tight grip she had on the thick ropes.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked when he came up behind her putting his hands on top of hers.

"I've never done anything like this before, and every time the bridge moves my balance feels off."

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