Chapter 16

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"No one's approached her? You didn't notice if anyone followed her?" Axel asked Marc sitting down next to him on the park bench.

"No. You know, walking over here she never paid attention to anything around her. I even got close enough for her to notice me, she didn't. Now she's just been sitting there, lost in her own world."

"I'm sure she's not too happy with herself right now." Axel said as he eyed the area. There weren't many people in the park. He relaxed when it looked like nobody was paying any attention to Marie. Right now he wasn't very happy with himself either. He had purposely let her know he was indifferent to her. He'd let the others be chummy with her if they wanted. What he wanted, was her to fear him. Maybe then she'd listen to him when it counted. It didn't sit well with him, but he couldn't afford to be sucked in.

"That sick bastard. We're not letting him get away with this." Marc let out a harsh breath and cracked his knuckles.

Axel sat back crossing his arms. "Absolutely not," he declared as he watched Marie. It sickened him thinking about what she went through. He couldn't wait for the day to bring that sick bastard down. "We need to tell her about someone being in her house. Whether it was Volto or somebody else, she needs to learn to be aware. Damn, I hope that girl doesn't turn out to be a problem for us."

"Time will tell, but I really don't think she will be. She's not like Kayli, Axel." Marc glanced at him before changing the subject. "How did it go with Jay's parents?" 

"Really well," Axel told him as he took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Henry Anderson was there too, so that was a help. They agreed to sell the house to us at a fair price. And they're even leaving a lot of the furnishings. Jay insisted his folks remove every trace of Jade when they take out what they want to keep. So it'll be move in ready for us."

Marc breathed deeply. "I'm glad we'll be getting out of the apartment. Too many memories."

"I hear ya. Look, I know I was the one holding everyone back," Axel admitted trying to reign in his emotions. "But I agree, this move will be a good thing. Besides I always liked those tudor style houses." He forced a slight smile at Marc.

Marc chuckled. "Hell, it's almost a mansion. After being in the apartment for so long we won't know how act in that big house."

The sound squealing tires brought their attention to the street. Marie's breath caught as she watched him dodge out of the way of the car at the last second.

His head was down as he wandered into the park. Marie studied him as he came closer to where she was sitting. She knew he hadn't noticed her yet. He was dirty, thin, and had a dejected look about him. Her heart broke for him.

"You just dodged a bullet. You could have been killed," she said when he was a few feet away.

Hearing her voice he froze. He looked at her with a forlorn expression in his eyes before turning away. 

"Don't leave."

The sound of her soft gentle voice stopped him. He hadn't heard someone talk kindly to him in a long time. People always yelled. He felt a spark of interest and a little bit of hope.

Axel and Marc watched.

"Please tell me she isn't doing what I think she is." Axel groaned putting his glasses back on.

Marc pulled out his phone, trying hard not to laugh. "Well, since she's wired, let's find out."

Marie smiled. "You know, I bet you're really handsome when you're cleaned up. Are you hungry?" She reached into her purse, pulling out a bag. He watched her open it and swallowed when the smell reached him.

"This is my secret addiction," she told him. "Beef jerky. It ranks right up there with bacon. I could live on this stuff." She held a stick out for him. "Go ahead, take it."

Marie held her breath as he slowly reached out taking it from her hand.

"Ah shit! She's feeding him! Next thing you know she'll be bringing him home with her," Axel grumbled, shoving his hair back away from his face. "Like we don't have enough to deal with without her adding to it."

Marc muffled a laugh making a mental note to get some supplies if this turned out how he thought it would.

"Good, huh. Here have another," she offered.

Marie watched as he ate the jerky. She had ended up giving him the whole bag. When he finished, he tilted his head and looked at her. He wondered if she could be his. He'd had his hopes up before. He'd try to play it cool, but he wanted her.

Marie giggled. "You have really pretty eyes. One blue, one brown. I met a guy with one blue eye and one green one. He's really, really cute."

"Aww, she thinks I'm cute," Marc said with a big smile.

Axel just shook his head and frowned.

"I know you're all alone." He flinched when she reached out to touch him. His body trembled, but he kept himself still. "It's alright," she said in a soothing voice.

"I know what it feels like to think you're alone," she sighed looking off toward the trees. "Me and my sister hadn't had it very good growing up. I've always wanted someone to come and save me. If not from my parents, maybe from myself." She looked at him again. "Sometimes I can be my own worst enemy."

"It looks like you haven't had it so good," Marie remarked. "You could come home with me if you want."

When Marie stood up, he immediately backed away. "It's okay," she told him softly. "You wanna come? The choice is yours." 

Casually, she started walking away. Turning her head slightly she tried to see if he was following. She bit her bottom lip, hoping he'd follow. It took her by surprise when the thought popped into her head that she might need him just as much as he needed her. Screw what her mother would say, or her douchebag of a father.

She smiled to herself when she imagined the look on her mother's face when she finds out how little she matters to her. And after her mother, the day of reckoning will come for the pervert.

He kept his eyes on her, he didn't want her to leave him. He wanted to follow her, but he hesitated, he was afraid. The farther away she got the more nervous he became. Different emotions fired off inside his brain. Hearing the snap of a twig, he saw them trailing her. That's all it took for him to decide. Mine. Once he caught up, he lingered behind her aware that they still followed.

It was by chance that Volto spotted Marie in the park. No mask this time, so a chance for a chat was out of the question. Besides, two Academy members were visible not far off. Volto's eyes narrowed in disgust at Marie. "You're just a stupid, naive nobody."  

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