Chapter 1

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The little village of Little Hangleton was quite, all seemed normal to the ignorant muggles who lived there. They were not aware that the Gaunts who once lived at the shack at the edge of town was once a rich family, nor were they aware of the fact that they were wizards. They were also most definitely not aware that the wizarding world's most feared dark lord was currently residing in the village's most grand manor. To them the manor was unoccupied, they couldn't see it at its magnificent state. All they saw was the unkempt lawn, the many tiles that were missing from the roof and the windows that were boarded. But to the eyes of.. the right sort of people however they see a handsome manor surrounded by a freshly cut velvety green lawn. Those people could see the goal post that made the Quidditch pitch and at times the raven haired boy who flew around at top speed on a broom.

Inside the manor the floors were covered in lush soft carpets, paintings of moving people were hung in the walls. Instead of light bulbs lighting the hallways there were torches and delicate chandeliers that had candles that were softly lit. Tall windows oversee the beautiful grounds and the well kept gardens, endless doors leading to different rooms such as the library and the ballroom. One of those doors lead to the bedroom of a tall newly turned twelve year old who was now currently laying in his bed twirling a golden pen around his fingers. The room was neat and was kept organized, the only thing that seemed out of place was the trunk that lay in the foot of the bed, different objects and clothes littering the floor around it.

Perseus Riddle sighed once more, he stood up and stretched as he walked over to the opened trunk and begin sorting things in, he needed to go to Diagon Alley to purchase his new school things and after an examination of his school uniform decided that he would also need new robes. After all, Percy thought with a wry smile fighting gods and monsters ought to do something to ones physique. And that was indeed true, he had grown over three inches this summer and the muscles in his arms and legs were stronger due to swinging a sword and running around all the time. All his old robes felt tight and uncomfortable and his trousers were a couple of inches to short for his liking. Tracing his name that was engraved in the dark and smooth wood of his trunk he stood up once again and walked to the desk that faced an opened window. Picking up a piece of worn and slightly rumpled paper he read again the contents.

Dear Percy,

Its me Annabeth and I'm writing to you in response to the last letter you sent, in which you told me of your dream of Grover being kidnapped.

I'm writing to you because your dream was right, Grover had once again been taken while he was out in his own quest to find Pan (the nature God that have been gone for gods know how long).

But that's only one of the reason's I'm writing to you, the other reason is that the barriers around camp had been sabotage. It was Luke, it has to be Luke, he poisoned the tree, he poisoned Thalia's tree Percy and the camp is in mass panic. I've returned to camp when I heard the news, if there is nobody protecting the borders camp will surely be doomed.

Chiron is gone, the gods had decided that it was his fault (which is a lot of Minotaur dung) and had, in many ways given him probation. He's no longer here and they brought in a new guy, his name is Tantalus and you would recognize his name in the mythology books. They brought him in from the fields of punishment (switching Chiron for a criminal was a terrible idea obviously).

Clarisse was given the task to retrieve something called the Golden Fleece I won't go into detail about it as I don't have much time but it can and will resurrect the tree and its barriers. She asked me to join her and I accepted, its only the two of us and her crew of undead. We're going by boat first thing in the morning tomorrow, we'll have to go through the Sea of Monsters (or the Bermuda Triangle as the mortals or muggles know)

I won't be able to write as much but I hope we can keep up the correspondence, and don't worry about me Seaweed Brain I'll be as safe as I can.

Oh and Percy? good luck on your first term back in Hogwarts, and thank you for the bag of wizard sweets you sent me. They were really good and interesting and I'd like to know how your people made the frogs move, the camp had an especially great time trying those Bertie Bott's every flavored beans.

Most sincerely,

Your friend Annabeth Chase.

Percy had read and re read the last letter that Annabeth had sent him for about hundred times already and he had sent a letter answering back a few days ago which had yet to be answered, Draco had laugh when he founded out that Percy was getting letters from a girl he met back in America. Thinking of his best friend he mentally grimaced, when Draco founded out about his real parentage and of his quest he had been furious that he was kept in the dark. But soon the blonde forgave him and could be seen asking question to Percy about the gods and had pretty much demanded to see his powers.

Hearing a pop he turned around to see Eli, his personal house elf standing by the door. "Master Riddle tells Eli to summon young master! you is going to Diagon Alley with dragon boy!" smiling slightly at the nickname Eli gave Draco he went over to the closet "thank you Eli tell father I'll be in the drawing room soon" seeing the elf disappear he took out a dark green traveling cloak and fastened it around his neck while slipping on his shoes. Stepping out his room and shutting the door behind him he walked towards his destination and swung open the doors to see his father already waiting there.

Tom Marvolo Riddle stood tall and proud, his expression cold and unwavering. He handed his adopted son the list of school books he would need with a scoff "Gilderoy Lockhart" he sneered "like you'd be learning anything from this fool" Percy nodded while mentally rolling his eyes. One of the things he was not exited about was having Gilderoy Lockhart teaching him defense against the dark arts. The man was like a peacock, always preening and calling for attention. 

Percy stepped into the fire place, his hand full with floo powder and without another word threw the powder to the ground "Diagon Alley!" the fire place was lit with green fire and the raven haired boy was nowhere to be seen.

Welcome to the third book of this series! I proudly present 'Percy Jackson, Heir of Slytherin' and I hope you enjoy this as much as the other books.

Okay small question, since Slytherin is an old family and Tom is presumably the last member that would make him Lord Slytherin right? And that would make Percy (his adopted heir) the heir of Slytherin yes?

And also please note that the timeline in my book changes a bit of the timeline in the original books (mostly the Percy Jackson books).

Anyway thank you so much for supporting me and this series and I'm just so mind blown at how much people actually take the time to read this so thank you so much.

I hope you like this first chapter and don't worry there's more to come!

Please tell me what you think, I'd really appreciate it.


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