Chapter 7

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Percy groaned as Draco shook him awake "wake up you lazy sod we've got an early quiditch practice this morning" the blonde says way too excitedly for someone who woke up early on a weekend. Falling off the bed unceremoniously the sea green eyed boy screwed his eyes shut "you git" he grumbled hearing the amused chuckle of his friend. 

In all honesty the last thing that was in Percy's mind was quiditch, why you might ask? because he had just received another blasted dream. Feeling a headache beginning to form he groaned from his position on the floor before untangling himself from his numerous blankets and stumbled his way towards the drawer full with his clothes. As he rummaged for his quiditch uniform his still foggy mind went back to the dream he had gotten that night. One of the first thing he had noticed was that the dream took place in a cave, the second thing he noticed was that Grover was there. Using a wedding dress. Pretending to be a female cyclops.

Seems like someone plays dress up way to seriously.

After getting over the shock at seeing his satyr friend (using a wedding dress of all things) Percy had immediately asked where he was and if he was alright. And if Grover said that he was fussing like a mother hen in the future Percy would immediately disagree because that was definitely not what he was doing. Obviously. Another thing that stuck was the fact that Grover said that he had made some sort of mental link between himself and Percy which alarmed him slightly as the satyr said that he basically could feel everything Percy feels. But after the while he wasn't at all worried as Grover has proven already that he could be trusted.

Making a mental note to write a quick letter to Annabeth about the whereabouts of Grover after the quiditch practice he shuffled towards the bathroom intent to at least wash up and to splash water on his face to wake up his still muddled up brain (because dam it all is it so wrong to want proper sleep for once). After slipping on his Slytherin sweater and the dark green quiditch robes of the team he opened his trunk and pulled out his still shrunken Nimbus. Muttering the reverse spell the broom returned to its original size and Percy begin to polish it as he waited for Draco to finish fixing his hair or whatever.

"Draco we're going out for quiditch practice not some fancy party" Percy called out putting away the polishing kit as he stood up and stretched. The bathroom door opened to an impeccably dressed Draco with his hair slicked back as usual "not everybody have naturally perfect hair Riddle" the blonde glared enviously at Percy's just-rolled-out-of-bed hair (because that's exactly happened) which seem to suit him so well.

Rolling his eyes Percy pocketed his quiditch gloves (the best dragon hide obviously) and slung his broom over his shoulder as he walked out the dorm towards the common room where the other players were waiting. When he and Draco got there Flint grinned and clapped the both on the shoulders as he admired his own Nimbus 2001 which Mr. Malfoy have so kindly given them all "send our thanks to your father Malfoy" he said and other members of the team also said their thanks whilst grinning and saying how the Gryffindor team have got absolutely no chance against them this year (which is obviously true).

"Oh and by the way the lions seem to have booked the pitch too and well lets just say they're not going to be very happy" grinned Flint and Percy smirked, this morning was turning out to be very eventful after all (what gave it away was it the bit about having dreams about his friend wearing a wedding dress?).

As the team trudged down the quiditch pitch Percy can see that the Gryffindor team was already there as well and saw that Oliver Woods (the obsessive Gryffindor quiditch team captain) is now angrily stalking towards them. Standing near the back with Draco he didn't hear much of the conversation until the topic of the new Nimbus 2001's were brought up. His blonde friend sauntered forwards until he was standing next to Flint and was boasting about the greatness of the Slytherin team or something like that when Granger decided to speak up "at least no one in the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent" and Percy rolling his eyes (he has been doing that quite a lot of times lately) made his appearance known and stepped up next to his friend.

"Oh? is that so? I hope you remembered how we won the quidditch cup last year Granger no thanks to your.. talented friends" the Slytherin's all grin and started imitating how Potter crashed when Percy executed a perfect wronksi feint. Draco let out a laugh and sneered"ha! quite right Riddle and who asked for your opinion anyway mudblood?" at hearing the words the Gryffindor team was in an instant uproar and Percy had to pull Draco back as Flint blocked the Weasley twins from attacking him.

The younger Weasley's face was as red as his hair as he whipped out his wand and shoved it in front of the general direction of Draco. Percy himself felt for the handle of his wand which was safely secured in his calf holster (a birthday gift from his father- for easy access and a much more better place to safely put away your wand then your pockets) in case things get awry but in the end he didn't really needed it as whatever spell the Weasley did backfired and hit himself instead.

Lets just say it was both amusing and disgusting to watch the redhead start puking slugs. 

As Potter and Granger pull their friend up and dragged him off to get help the Slytherin team was still laughing beyond relief, Draco was even on all fours banging his fist on the ground (etiquette be damned). The Gryffindor team slowly dispersed (not without shooting them dirty looks) as they realized that they couldn't really do anything about it and Percy had to say that it was turning out to be a good day after all.


After the training session was over both boys was exhausted and sweating buckets. After taking a nice refreshing shower Percy ran his hand through his still wet hair as he took out some parchment and a quill, keen on finishing the letter to Annabeth before going down for breakfast.
After he finished explaining about the cyclops and of Grover's whereabouts he also wrote a bit about Hogwarts and all his lessons knowing that the daughter of Athena would be curious about them. Standing up from his desk and pushing the chair in he called out to Draco who was still in the bathroom "I'm going to send a letter, I'll see you at breakfast!" and left the room, not before shooting a water spell towards Blaise who insisted on not being woken up until later the day ("its the bloody weekend I can do whatever I want!") and running away at hearing the boy's angry shout.

After sending off Deimos with the letter he was just about to leave for the Great hall when an owl he recognize was his father's hooted and landed on his shoulder. Eyebrows furrowed questioningly he carefully untied the scroll of parchment tied around the owl's outstreched leg and smoothed it out so he can read it.

As Percy got closer to the bottom of the letter his expression hardened and his jaw was set in a determined manner. Well  he thought sardonically at least he knew what he was doing tonight.

He was going to find the chambers of secrets and converse with a snake known to be able to kill with a glance and as the king of all serpents.

What a great way to spend a Saturday night.

First chapter in 2017!!!

Everything last year went by so fast that I'm kinda just reeling back from everything (yeah no I'm just glad 2016 is over and am now worried by the fast approaching idea of the holidays being over).

First thing first.


(And to those who haven't watch the new episode don't worry there is no spoilers).


Long story short I was reduced into an emotional wreck.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think! thank you for reading and have a good day.

And don't worry next chapter will be soon enough!

Oh and if you're looking for a laugh I suggest the video above :)


Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now