Chapter 23

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HOGWARTS - OH Why do I even bother with this anymore

So his mission turned out to be quite the mess.

After Percy vapor traveled back to his room he made sure the door was secure and that he was alone before he safely tucked away the diary-horcrux in a hidden compartment in his trunk where it was sure to be safe. He then took off and hid what he called his "mission clothes" which consisted of dark stretchy pants, some light armor on top of his long sleeved black shirt and a spell resistant hooded cloak that was asymmetrical and fell short on one side. All of them went inside his trunk and was locked away from view.

Grabbing a pair of sweats and a silk shirt that was laying on the floor by his bed he pulled them on and held out an arm for Phobos to slither out to "itss time to change form again Phobosss"  the small snake hissed angrily, disappointed and annoyed that he would have to return to being docile and nonlethal. Nonetheless the serpent untangled himself from around Percy's neck and slithered down his master's arm. 

Percy took his wand from where he had placed it on his bedside table and pointed it at his familiar. Whispering the spell that would disguise Phobos underneath his breath he watched as the rough scales of his friend (and yes Phobos counted as a friend) turned smooth and the black and blood red color of them turn a harmless green. The snake hissed with displeasure and begin making his way towards a large flat rock that was placed on top of Percy's dresser that was charmed to be always warm (sunlight down in the dungeons after all was very limited).

Sighing in frustration the boy ran a hand through his hair and began pacing. Although his task wasn't a complete failure he still had failed in ensuring the most important thing; the death of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. Wincing Percy dragged a hand down his face and blew out an angry breath.

Okay Percy just stay calm now all you have to do now is tell the dark lord how much you screwed up.

That was definitely not a conversation he was exited to have.

Forcing himself to take a seat by his desk he pulled some parchment paper over to him and grabbed a quill which he dipped into some ink before he started to write. As he wrote the letter some part of Percy felt glad that the plan to kill Potter and Weasley had failed and that part of him was quickly shushed and pushed away because there was absolutely no way in Hades that Percy was walking down a path with those treacherous thoughts again.

After he sent away the letter in the enchanted box that will immediately send the message to a similar box in his father's study he slumped back on his seat and rubbed at his eyes before jumping as someone started loudly banging on the door.

"Riddle! where the bloody hell have you been! the feast will start soon and if you don't open this door right now we will all leave you behind so get off your sodding arse!" groaning at the sound of a familiar blonde's shouting Percy stood up and unlocked the door "shut it Malfoy, here I thought I was going to have a nice and peaceful evening by myself" he said with rolled eyes and an easy smile that hid his earlier frustrations. Draco swaggered into the room with Blaise and Theo following close behind in a much more calmer manner. As the others settled themselves around the room Percy leaned against his desk in an effort to look nonchalant.

Blaise laid sprawled on his bed and turned to the green eyed boy  "where have you been all day anyway? we were all missing you! even Drakey there too" the affronted blonde merely scoffed and raised his chin "the only thing I was missing was civilized company, something I definitely do not expect to find in you" Percy grinned and forced himself to relax his tense posture, a weight felt like it had been taken off his shoulders just by hearing his friends bicker and although the situation wasn't exactly golden Percy could at least appreciate the presence of his closest friends.

Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now