Chapter 14

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"Ooh it might have hidden powers" Hermione enthusiastically said back in the Gryffindor common room, inspecting the diary more closely and flipping through its pages. By the beginning of February the girl was finally back to normal from the whole cat incident, no tail and no whiskers (much to his and Ron's relief). 

"If it does have powers its hiding them well, I don't know why you didn't just throw it away Harry"  Ron says, slumping back on the couch. Hermione tilted her head slightly "isn't Riddle the last name of that Slytherin?" both Harry and Ron scowled, they still clearly remembered how easily Riddle saw through the polyjuice potion (how easily he had debunked a whole month worth of planning and preparation).

To be honest Harry was baffled and confused on how the other boy had immediately known they weren't Crabe and Goyle, were their mannerisms too different? had they said something wrong? whatever it was Riddle didn't seem to have any problem whatsoever in calling them out almost as soon as they stepped in the Slytherin common room.

Ron had been so angry and he too had been frustrated, the image of an almost smug looking sea green eyed boy kept replaying in his head. The two had been terrified for weeks, both of them knowing full well that Riddle could report them to any teacher at any given time (they would've gone into so much trouble- maybe even face expulsion!).

And yet the Slytherin didn't, almost a month had passed and not so much of a whisper of their little excursion had been said. Harry had been confused then relieved but he couldn't help but be suspicious, Riddle must have some sort of reason or scheme behind this.

Ron shrugged "maybe its his grandfather or dad or something" the boy said, Hermione frowned "if its his dad then he must be quite old considering the diary is about 50 years old so I doubt it, but it might very well be his grandfather" suddenly the girl perked up "wait a minute, the chamber's of secrets opened 50 years ago yeah? what if Riddle got that award you mentioned for catching the heir of Slytherin!? the diary probably has loads of stuff about it" a brilliant theory for sure but like Ron pointed out not a second later there was nothing written in it.

Hermione proceeded to take out her wand and said something about invisible ink, a theory which proved wrong when a revealing spell showed nothing. Taking out a bright red eraser (apparently it was a 'revealer') she started to rub it on 'January the first' (which was the only thing written in the entire diary) but gained the same results from the spell.

Absolutely Nothing.

But Harry was certain that there was something more to this book, he was now also certain that Perseus Riddle played a bigger role in this then he imagined. If Riddle was related with the person who owned the diary then surely he knew more about the chamber of secrets then he let on? he voiced his suspicions to Ron and Hermione and they both agreed that Perseus was someone they should watch out for, maybe he was even was the heir of Slytherin.

"But it can't possibly be him! Riddle is a halfblood- the chances of the heir of Slytherin being a halfblood is close to none, I reckon its someone like Malfoy" Ron exclaimed and Harry (though he still held doubts) had to agree, Salazar Slytherin was known for his obsession with blood purity so the chances that his heir was a halfblood like he himself was very unlikely.

Still there was something more to the eye about Perseus that greatly irked him. Everybody in the second year knew not to mess with the boy, he was intelligent and it was obvious he was powerful- and not to mention rich. The other Slytherins seem to greatly respect him and many of the second year snakes seem to follow him around. True to his name he was a riddle to be solved, a person shrouded in such mystery that Harry once caught Dumbledore staring at the boy in the great hall with an unreadable expression.

With a feeling of determination surging in him Harry vowed to himself that he would uncover the mystery that is Perseus Riddle, that he would find the heir of Slytherin.

Preferably before the creature lurking in the castle takes another victim.

Here's another (quite short) chapter! anyway I'd just like to say that I'd probably update more now since I've got no more schoolwork to stress over.

So yeah I hope you liked it, the next chapter would hopefully be finished soon and please tell me what you think!

Have a good day!

(oh and I started playing mystic messenger its actually quite fun)


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