Chapter 5

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Finding out his half brother is a cyclops was one thing but now this?

Creepy skeletal winged horses.

Life is just full with surprises isn't it.

Scoffing Percy mentally rolled his eyes, why is he even surprised? he have seen a Pegasus for gods sake so their much more creepier cousins shouldn't scare him off (but then again they were an omen of misfortune).

As he and his friends got closer Percy couldn't help but gape slightly at the sight, there were many of the beasts strapped to carriages meant to take the students to the castle and unlike the Pegasus thestrals had a face that resembled a reptile and had wings like that of a bats.

A creation of both Poseidon and Hades, Percy mused with a wry smile. Watching the skeletal horses he thought that they were beautiful in a sort of dark and twisted way and was so enraptured by the sight that he almost jumped at the sudden voice in his head.

What do we have here? I can smell the sea off you from miles away son of Poseidon

The thestral closest to him neighed loudly gaining the attention of the others. Percy nearly shivered at all the voices that ruptured in his head but covered it up and quickly answered.

It is an honor to meet you but do not act suspicious, the Wizards do not know who I am and although not many can see you it is best we stay cautious.

Looking around he tried to gauge the expressions of his companions and surprisingly found Theo the only one whose expression indicate being able to see one. Understanding coursed through him as he realized that the both of them had witnessed their mother's death (Percy saw it through his dreams) and the fact that he literally went to the underworld (basically death central). Shuffling closer to his lanky friend he lowered his voice and spared another glance at the horses "magnificent aren't they?" he murmured "I would really rather prefer Unicorns thanks" Theo replied dryly. Snorting loudly Percy grinned ruefully and started for one of the carriages "well? are we just going to stand around pondering the ways of the universe or are we going to get bloody going because I am famished" he called behind him without turning as he jumped into an empty carriage.

This was certainly going to be an interesting year.


He stood correctly.

This had been an already interesting year so far what with camp and now the so called Chambers of secrets (AND HIS HALF BROTHER IS A CYCLOPS).

But bloody hell was this gold.

From the moment they stepped into the great hall Harry freaking Potter and his Ginger friend the Weasley was nowhere to be seen. At dinner everybody seemed perplexed and rumors had even already begun speculating (some of which were quite ridiculous even for Hogwarts standards). He had even went out after curfew (using his snake pendant to hide himself from teachers and unwanted people of course) to send a quick note to his father about this recent turnabout before he went to bed.

The real surprise though came the next morning.

Sitting in the Slytherin table with slight disbelieve (its not like he was the only one) Percy looked down at the copy of the evening prophet and wondered just how incredibly stupid the golden boy of Gryffindor really was. Looking up from the newspaper to stare at the boy with the emerald eyes and the lightning bolt seared into his forehead he shook his head with incredulity.


A flying car?!

You get stuck at the platform and the first thing you do is steal a flying car in one of the busiest places in muggle infested London?!

No wonder scar face didn't go to Ravenclaw, apparently being the boy who lived means you get away without having any sense of rationality at all. Sliding away the paper with slight disgust Percy turned back to his meal "how in Merlin's beard are they not expelled!" he mused with wonder as he buttered up his toast. Draco scowled "they should have been! they could've exposed the Wizarding community" those who were listening nodded in agreement and was starting to throw in their own opinions when the hall fell silent.

A clumsy owl had bared down a gift from the heavens.

A nice red howler straight to the second youngest Weasley.

Oh how it made a beautiful sight indeed.

The entirety of the Slytherin table seem to grin and lean forwards in anticipation as the howler sprang to life.


Not a bad way to start the year Percy thought with a grin as he downed a whole goblet of pumpkin juice and laughed along with his friends.

Yes yes I know its been like two weeks but worry not! because I now have more time to write and update!

Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter and as usual tell me what you think.

I promise I'll try to get the next update as soon as possible (maybe Wednesday/Saturday or Sunday) so yeah, until next time.

P.S the art is obviously not mine.


Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now