Chapter 16

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I realized while re reading this that I forgot to change the year for when the Chamber of secrets last opened because I mentioned in the previous book before this that Tom was one of Sally's classmates and obviously she's not that old so I'll have to tweek the timelines a lot and that's kinda my number one enemy right now so please don't get confused if some things are really different I'm still working on it.


Harry Potter sat alone in his four poster bed in an empty dormitory, inwardly glad to be away from the Gryffindor common room. He couldn't stand listening to Fred and George singing "his eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad" over and over again (dear Merlin that was embarrassing) and had felt compelled to look over Tom Riddle's diary once more (whoever that bloke is anyway). Knowing that Ron is probably just going to tell him that the search would be pointless Harry had opted to do it alone. 

Flipping through the empty pages he frowned quizzically, when his bag had fallen on the stairs this evening (because of that bloody valentines messenger- I mean who in their right mind would give Lockhart the permission to plan such an event) all of his other books had been drenched in scarlet ink.

The diary didn't even have so much as a stain.

Curiously Harry took a new bottle of ink and dipped his quill into it, letting the ink then drip unto an empty page. To his surprise the blot of ink soon vanished and he felt a surge of hope, finally! after weeks of frustration they might just be getting somewhere. Getting a spark of inspiration Harry loaded the quill for a second time and wrote a sentence, only slightly doubtful that his idea would work.

My name is Harry Potter. 

Waiting and feeling more then a little ridiculous (he was after all waiting for a diary to reply- but then again its the wizarding world, he's seen much more odder things then a talking diary) he only had to wait for a second longer before those words vanished and (much to his excitement) was replaced with a sentence (written in his own ink!) Harry had never wrote.

Hello Harry Potter, my name is Tom Riddle. How did you came by my diary?

He hurried to reply and was once again answered, after awhile of writing back and forth he was nearly grinning in victory. Riddle had somehow managed to store his memories in the diary of the events that had transpired 30 years ago, memories of capturing the person who had released the monster that was paralyzing students. The memories that will help him and his friends discover who the heir of Slytherin was.

I can show you if you'd like

Harry hesitated briefly, wondering how a diary would show the memories.

Let me show you

After a brief pause he sighed and replied back determinedly.


The pages of the book began to turn as if blown by a strong wind, Harry felt like he was tilting forwards- like he was leaving his body and falling into something else entirely.

He was falling into a memory, a memory that was not his.

Getting over his confusion he immediately noticed where he was in the memory- Hogwarts, most specifically Dumbledore's office. The person who sat behind the desk however was not Dumbledore, this must be the headmaster back then Harry realized. He also soon realizes that the old man cannot hear or see him.

This really was a memory.

And in the memory he saw Hogwarts from ages ago, he saw who Tom Riddle (who bore quite strong resemblance to the Riddle in Harry's own time) was.

He saw a slightly younger version of Dumbledore (which admittedly made him gape a little).

And soon he even saw the person behind the attacks.

The memory stopped, he was thrown back into the present and he laid in his bed with horror and confusion. It couldn't possibly be him, there was no way.

But he saw it.

Harry saw the creature, he saw and recognize the culprit but it can't be him, it doesn't make any sense- none of it made sense.

Because it was Hagrid who opened the chamber of secrets all those years ago.

What the actual fuc-

Aghhhhhhhhhhh I'm not exactly happy how this turned out, I was so lazy while writing this chapter I kinda just gave up in the end (which isn't a good thing I know but I tried okay!). I'll most likely edit this later.

And guess what! I've decided to enter this book for the Watty's awards because why not (though its kinda strange cause this is like the third book in the series but oh well). But in all seriousness I'd just like to say thank you for those who encouraged me to join, you really said some nice things and it felt good knowing that people actually support my writing :) (even though sometimes I don't even support it).

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter (because I think its really sloppily written) and please tell me what you think! hope you're having a good day and oh! I almost forgot, for those who are Johnlock fans please watch the video above I nearly cried when Fix You came on.

Oh and how did you like the ending? I felt like mirroring what I wrote for Percy a few chapters back and well I just couldn't resist.


P.s If you have any confusions over the timeline please tell me and I'll answer your questions the best I can :)

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