Chapter 18

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Granger being petrified complicated things a bit.

Weasley and Potter will obviously be more desperate to find the heir of Slytherin and Percy was beginning to suspect that they knew more then they let on.

So now he had no choice but to speed things up. Oh and the raven haired boy now also had the added challenge of a curfew (not that it'll hinder his plans much but it will definitely prove to be a menace to sneak out).


The animosity towards the Slytherin house as a whole had also reached its peak (animosity that was surely going to grow as the years go by), students from other houses was either running the opposite direction or sneering and throwing hateful glances. 

How pathetic.

Percy couldn't care less about all the hostility - neither did the rest of Slytherin really- it wasn't like it was a new thing, the rest of Hogwarts always seem to think that Slytherins were a bunch of mini death eaters in training (even the teachers were biased against Slytherins). So he and his friends merely shrugged and continued on with their daily lives.

Until of course Dumbledore was suspended and Hagrid "temporarily" taken away for the latest attacks.

I mean if one person was happy that they were gone it would definitely be Percy- he can finally carry out his father's plans without much suspicion being placed on his every move (if you don't count the meddling Potter and Weasley of course). The rest of the school however did not share the same opinions and the fear and panic had spread around the castle like never before. Students and professors (don't forget the ghosts) alike felt safer with one of the most powerful wizards in this day and age watching over them, now? hell most people were already packing their bags.

The other person that was happy for Dumbledore's removal was not surprisingly Draco. The blonde was practically flaunting to anyone who will listen that it was his father who suspended the headmaster and was basically insulting the man with every breath. At one point in a potions class he even went so far to say (loudly) that maybe the next headmaster wouldn't want the chamber of secrets to be closed (and that it was better if the chamber didn't close) and Percy was so gobsmacked that his friend would say something as stupid as that with a bunch of Gryffindors around them that he almost messed up his own potion.

But of course Malfoy wasn't finished and had to insult all mudbloods and basically said that Granger was better off dead.

Normally he wouldn't care for such comments but the guy really had to say that when fear and suspicion was at an all time high? with a bunch of Gryffindors around? that stupid senseless git.

Percy could swear that he saw Weasley's face going as red as his hair (the boy looked ready to explode). When the bell rang the Gryffindor basically lunged towards Draco with his hands outstreched but was stopped by a frantic and equally angry looking Potter.

Pity, he could've used the entertainment.

The one downside to all the action lately was the new rule that each student had to be escorted to each class by a professor. Although it didn't affected much of anything it was still quite annoying not being able to walk around the castle freely as he usually do. 

Well thank the gods he had a pendant that made him invisible.

Sadly Percy was now starting to think that Potter had inherited his father's invisibility cloak (he knew about the invisibility cloak from his own father who had suspected that James Potter owned one and occasional lent it to Dumbledore) seeing how easily the boy seem to sneak around as well. Judging by the hushed conversations and determined expressions he could easily tell that they (Potter and Weasley) must've figured something out about the chamber of secrets.  

So obviously his good luck didn't last very long and one day during breakfast McGonagall announced some very "good" news.

The mandrakes were ready and the petrified students were all soon going to be healed. 

How very ignorant of him to think he had good luck in the first place.

I'm back!!!!!! as in I'm back from Japan and I now can continue with the updates. And if you're interested Japan was really cool and I get to buy a bunch of anime merch :)

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think! oh I'll try updating more regularly now but I can't make any promises because I'm going to be more busy from now on but I'll certainly try my best to work on new chapters.

So yeah, have a good day! and thanks for reading.


Oh and I'd just like to add that it was probably around this time in the books that Harry and Ron founded out about the basilisk but since this is only in Percy's P.O.V  I don't think I'm going to write about how they found out so yeah, this is just to keep things clear. Thank you :)

Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now