Chapter 13

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Polyjuice potion.

Nice try Potter but your gonna have to try harder then that.

Okay fine he commended the three Gryffindors for using the quite difficult to make potion and he had to admit that they would've succeeded if not for him (not that Percy is very cocky or anything but it's the truth).

I mean it was quite obvious now with the three always sneaking around and throwing dark looks towards Draco, he one even caught them hudled over a book on potions that must've been from the restricted section (how they even got it in the first place is questionable), not to mention Granger sneaking potion ingredients into her bag- seriously he was surprised Snape hasn't called her out yet.

Percy had known all week that they were going to attempt something and have been on constant alert, that and he was also a good enough legilimens to tell that those two bumbling idiots were not in fact Crabe and Goyle. All he had to do was slightly brush against their minds and their entire plans falls apart.


Draco had been confused to find a smirking Percy in the common room and 'Crabe' and 'Goyle' running out like their lives depended on it. The raven haired boy simply told his friend that his two bodyguards had eaten to much at dinner and needed to go to the infirmary. Draco had shrugged (not really caring much) and showed Percy a newspaper clipping from the daily prophet about Weasley's father getting an enquiry and having to pay a fine for the whole flying car fiasco from the beginning of the year. The both of them had laughed about it and was about to go back to their dorm when they decided to test out the ring.

The ring itself was a simple silver band with an engraving of a snake made to look like it was coiled around the metal, Draco had inspected the ring with a scrutinizing eye for five minutes before relenting "alright what does this do?" smirking Percy sat up and instructed the Blonde to slide the ring into his finger "twist the ring and find out" he then said. Flopping back into his cushioned seat he watched with an amused expression as his friend discovered the capabilities of the ring "oh you're not serious- now way Riddle, it makes me invisible! ha! this is brilliant" Percy grinned and mentally thanked Annabeth for giving him the idea. He had asked the daughter of Athena about fictional muggle books with magic as its main theme and she had introduced him to many fantasy books, including the Hobbit and the Lord Of The Rings series.

When he had heard of a magical ring with the ability to render its user invisible (much like the invisibility cloak) he was intrigued and decided that it was the perfect gift for Draco. He was endlessly thankful of Annabeth for giving him the idea.

Speaking of Annabeth he still wasn't hearing from her and Percy was getting worried enough to send a letter to Chiron which have yet to be answered. Burying himself into his studies and the whole buisness with the chamber of secrets he tried hard to not think about America lest he decided to do something as impulsive as vapor travel there.

After the whole polyjuice thing Percy heard rumors about Granger being in the infirmary and had grinned internally when he heard about it, the muggle born had obviously messed up her own potion- the girl probably took animal hair instead of human hair.

Long after Potter attempted to sneak into the Slytherin common room Percy felt that it was finally safe enough to go into the chambers of secrets, he hadn't once attempt to go back in for several weeks as the school was getting more and more alert and suspicious. Although he didn't actually have to do much (he's not exactly doing the dirty work is he?) he still had to check on the great basilisk to make sure his father's plans went accordingly, so he activated his pendant one again and sneaked out of the Slytherin dormitories.

Sneaking his way towards moaning Myrtle's bathroom (dodging an angry Filch as he did so) he was surprised by the small flood that was pouring from his destination. As he got nearer Percy froze when he heard two very familiar voices speaking.

It was Weasley and Potter.

Inching closer towards the entrance he heard snippets of a conversation.

"It could be dangourous-"

"How can a diary be dangourous-"

"--- whose T.M Riddle?"

Wait a dangourous diary?..... no it couldn't possibly be.

T.M Riddle? where the Hades could they have gotten that name?

A coil of shock and fear wrapped itself around Percy and he almost stumbled back in surprise, don't tell me they got the diary he thought, how could they have? his mind racing and heart thumping he thought of all the mistakes he may have made. Eyes finally widening in realization he knew exactly how they got the book, the only possible way they got it.

Ginny Weasley

Well shi-

See? Not even a few days later I updated.

Well I don't know about you but I'm rather proud of finishing this chapter.

I mean it probably has plenty of things needed to get fixed but still.

Oh and you have to listen to the song "Reason Living" by SCREEN mode its the op for Bungou Stray Dogs and I'm completely obsessed with it (both the song and anime). And I'm thinking of making a sort of playlist for this book, should I do it? not sure yet but it seems like a lot of fun to do.

Okay so I was thinking of all possible future installments for this series and I realize that there are many many plot holes and timeline issues I'd need to smooth out so yeah.. I got that cut out for me.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I promise I'll get the next one out as soon as possible since I have been thankfully gifted with more free time.



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