Chapter 20

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Standing alone in the darkly lit chamber Perseus Riddle made an.... interesting sight. With his dark hood pulled low and the mask that had an almost insane looking smile carved unto its mouth covering the lower half of his face he looked pretty much crazy, murderous almost.

Truthfully Percy felt bored. 

Rocking back and forth on his heels the green eyed boy was beginning to feel antsy and his old friend ADHD practically pranced around the corner with open arms waiting to be noticed. Potter was taking far too long and the silence was beginning to grate at him.

-Phobossss quick! talk to me, I fear I am going insssane-  Percy hissed, dramatically falling back against the pillar he was hiding behind and slid to the ground. If Potter was going to take his time he dam well wasn't going to wait around standing.

Phobos slithered out from where he was coiled around the boy's neck and hissed back -dramatic asss alwaysss masster-  Percy rolled his eyes but raised his hand to stroke the snake's scales nonetheless. How the Hades is he suppose to pull this off? does he even want to do it? does he want to commit actual goddam murder? because that's what he was doing wasn't it? about to help in the murder of a dam eleven year old girl who he don't really know much about other then the fact she was the sister of his supposed enemy.

He felt almost sick.

But now was not the time to think and definitely not the time to have a moral crisis, he could think of that stuff later when it was all over and when he have succeeded the mission (and oh yes he will succeed, no matter what complicating thoughts may plaque him). 

Suddenly the sounds of very loud footsteps reached Percy's ear and in a second he was immediately on his feet and stepping back into the shadows of the pillar. A familiar voice cried out "Ginny! Oh Merlin don't be dead, please don't be dead!" and from where he stood he could see Potter running towards the prone girl lying on the ground and flinging his wand aside. Percy's eyes widened almost comically and he nearly gaped in disbelief, he knew that Potter was naive but come on!  the wand was his only weapon right now! and he just cast it away in unknown enemy territory? he was the boy who lived for gods sake! one would've expected some level of caution.

"She won't wake" a soft voice rang out and Percy turned his head to see that he had appeared. Standing a few feet away from Potter was a tall boy, maybe 16 years old with dark tousled hair and darker eyes. The older boy had features similar to his own, they had the same sharp features, the same pale skin and the same quiet authority and intensity behind their eyes. The boy of course was his father's 16 year old self, a mere memory stored in a horcrux shone by his slightly blurry image that was getting stronger by the minute.

He was draining Ginny Weasley's life force, this was the plan all along.

His father might have survived the killing curse that night due to all the repercussions he took but that didn't mean it didn't took a toll on him. The dark lord was far from his original strength- and granted he was still far more powerful then any average wizard in this day and age but if he fought against Dumbledore now he wouldn't last very long.

Hence this crazy plan.

Shaking his head and refocusing on the events unfurling in front of him Percy smirked as Potter finally realized that something was wrong and Riddle began talking about all the things Ginny wrote in his diary, how he slowly gained her trust and the things he made Weasley do "She was the one to set the serpent on the four mudbloods and the squib's cat" Potter looked horrified and Percy could hear his terrified mutterings from all the way over here "no! Ginny wouldn't do that!" the boy said in disbelief but Tom continued explaining calmly even with Potter quietly seething.

Tuning out the rest of the conversation since he already knew all of that stuff anyway he relaxed his stance slightly only to tense up again when he a nagging feeling came over him.

Something was not right.

Inching out of the shadows he turned his head this way and that, trying to look for something that was out of place when music suddenly erupted in the chamber. The strange sound was high and eerie, so loud that he can feel it vibrating in his rib cage. The music grew louder and louder until it reached such a pitch that he almost felt the need to cover his ear. Flames suddenly burst from somewhere on his right and he ducked behind the pillar once again to keep out of view.

Something flew towards Potter with a bundle gripped tightly in its claws. It was obviously a bird, a magnificent bird with crimson feathers and a sweeping golden tail that seem to almost glitter in the dark.

It was a phoenix.

And not just any phoenix! oh no that would've been too simple a problem. The bird was Fawkes, Dumbledore's one and only familiar.


Definitely not going to make his life any harder (knowing Dumbledore and his stupid plans it probably would).

By this point Percy felt like repeatedly banging his head on the stone pillar in  frustration because surely a concussion was much better then the headache he was getting from all this mess.

I know I know I know its been awhile since the last update and I apologize.

I procrastinated okay? I've also been busy lately with projects and other stuff and I've been so stressed out lately (the pass few couple months just haven't been the best for me I guess) and I just couldn't find the motivation to continue this but thankfully some of you reminded me to actually keep this going which I'm thankful for.

I hope you like this chapter and oh yeah happy birthday Percy! happy very late birthday to our favorite seaweed brain and again I'm sorry for this very late chapter and I promise I'll keep updating as much as I can.

I hope you had a good day so far and if you aren't having a good day then watch Jacksepticeye or kickthePj and eat some snacks or whatever, it always makes me feel better (and if that doesn't work crying into your pillow and having an existential crisis is always open for suggestion).

Well on that very odd note here's your chapter, I hope you liked it and thank you for reading as always.

So .. yeah *awkward wave*


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