Chapter 26

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Perseus Riddle stared around his dorm room with a slightly pinched expression.

After the events that had transpired in the chamber of secrets he hadn't been enjoying the rest of the school year as much as he wished he had. After a few days of nerve wracking waiting his father had sent back a clipped and vague letter that had clearly shown his annoyance and anger at the fact that the great serpent of Slytherin had been killed by the likes of Harry Potter.

Percy was not exited for the reunion that will no doubt be happening in a few more days.

After the whole chamber of secrets drama the boy has never been more careful in how he appears in public then now. There was no way in Hades that Dumbledore wasn't suspicious of him and Potter has been throwing distrustful glances at him for days now.

His cover was so close and yet so far away to being blown to smithereens.

So Percy did all he can to seem nonchalant, to look a if he wasn't antsy and pissed of all the time. For the rest of the student body the last bit of school was calming and maybe even fun without all the threat of a monster looming over them. Exams were cancelled, Hagrid has been returned from Azkaban (he was after all framed as the perpetrator for this entire thing), Lucius Malfoy was somehow fired as the school governor and Gryffindor won the house cup because Harry bloody Potter managed to save the girl and the school (what a cliche typical hero ending- would that make Percy the villain then?). 

What a brilliant way to end the year.

Percy's only respite from all this was that Annabeth had contact him after weeks of absolutely nothing. The daughter of Athena had sent a long letter detailing about what had  happened to lead such a silence and he was surprised by all the things she described happening.

Apparently a girl had awoken from the very base of the tree that powers the barrier that protected Camp Half Blood and its occupants. The very same tree that Luke Castellan had poisoned in the hopes of weakening the camp.

Thalia Grace, the daughter of Zeus has apparently returned from the land of the dead.

The very same girl who (by reading Annabeth's short description) used to show up in Percy's prophetic dreams at the beginning of the year.

Oh and Grover was found, Chiron returned to camp and the son of Poseidon now have a half brother who happened to be a cyclops.

It seems like Percy wasn't the only one with a very hectic few months.

Sighing the sea green eyed boy returned to his packing and threw the last bit of clothes into his trunk. Before he closed it though he made extra sure that his father's hurcrux  was secured inside a hidden compartment that had layers upon layers of curses and extra security measures to ensure that it would stay safe. After he was confident that all the spells were in place and he stood up and stretched. Although the end of his school year had turned wonky he could still appreciate the time he had left and the time he had spent.

"Percy!" shouted a voice from the hallway. Turning around and shutting his trunk as he did so the boy saw that it was Draco who had called his name. His friend had a grin etched into his face and he was already wearing his fancy ass casual clothes ready to board the train to go back home. "Are you really not done packing yet? the train leaves in a couple of hours! the rest of us were talking about how we would come over to my manor this summer and..." smiling softly and nodding along to what his friend was saying Percy walked over to his bed and reached out a hand for Phobos to slither up on.

Sssomething the matter massster? the snake hissed as he loosely coiled himself around Percy's wrist.

Shaking his head ever so slightly Percy hissed back nothingsss the matter Phobosss and followed Draco out of the room with the blonde still talking about the summer.

Everything is fine.

Holy shit I did.

Well I almost did it.

And look at this! an update in less then a week how impressive.

And for those who are wondering this is in fact not the last chapter and there are still one more to go before this book ends and I start planning another.


God I honestly don't know what to say like I'm ridiculously thankful that you strangers on the internet decided to stick with this series and I will never be able to thank you enough for reading my fic.

On other news though it is very close to the end of this book meaning the poll for Percy's partner (and you know what I mean by that) will be soon coming to and end so please if you haven't already voted vote now so your preferred ship can win! Btw Pernico needs like 10 more votes to be ahead of Percabeth so all you shippers better go and start voting. Oh and when you vote please place your votes on the chapter titled FINAL VOTE FOR MAIN SHIP so that I won't be confused.

Thanks for reading and I hope you're having a good day,


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