Chapter 19

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The only option he's got left was to kidnap Ginny Weasley.

Because kidnapping other students was obviously the answer to his problems (not at all weird, creepy or suspicious). With the mandrakes ready and the threat of the petrified victims being no longer.. well petrified Percy had to make a decision and fast.

And his decision was to kidnap Ginny Weasley and bring her to the chamber of secrets where his adopted father's past 16 year old self (who is also technically a horcrux) will absorb her life force.

Great plan.

After quickly informing his father of what he was about to do Percy made sure that the red headed girl was lured into the chamber after she wrote one last message.

Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever

Creepy and terrifying how wonderful, hope the students here in Hogwarts remember to tell their friends and family how safe they felt here.

In all honestly though Percy himself was feeling anxious, if the plan worked out he pretty much just helped with the murder of a girl not so younger then himself and contrary to popular belief (he was the Dark Lord's son and heir after all, most who knew about him tend to assume he was an exact copy of his father and liked killing people) he didn't actually want to kill anybody. He couldn't help but think of how Annabeth or Grover would react to hearing that he had killed an innocent young girl and that he-


Percy had to just stop thinking about it.

Before he was a demigod he was wizard, before he knew of his godly heritage he was the son of Tom Marvolo Riddle, a man not many would think as an ideal parent true but the Dark Lord had taken Percy in and given him a home, given him a chance to hone his magic and skills and abilities. If the man hadn't done so Percy would've never left that orphanage and probably get killed by some monster (demigods have a certain smell to them apparently) or other. He couldn't doubt about where his loyalties lay and he won't because he knew that in the end of the day he was a Riddle first and foremost.

So that's that.

Definitely something to think about.

Oh and how can he forget! if this all fails and he was outed there was a good chance he'll probably get expelled or be sent to azkaban.


Which of course leads to his predicament right now, standing in the dark and legendary chamber with a parcel from his father held in his hands. Opening the paper slowly and gently Percy grinned when he got his first good look on the item he was now holding aloft with triumph.

The object was light, not all heavy as he thought it was. It was silver with a mix of dark and gold engravings of various symbols etched into the metal that he recognized as runes and if you looked closely enough you could see ancient Greek written on the edges. It only covered the lower half of his face like he requested and it fitted perfectly. Smiling almost darkly he laughed as he realized how ridiculous and insane he must look. At last, he thought with a final grin as he pulled up his dark hood. 

A mask.

His very own death eater mask. 


I'm so sorry for the very late update, I was sick for awhile and then I got busy with stuff and I got lazy but here I am! still very much alive and kicking. So anyway I hope you like this chapter and please tell me what you think! I'll probably edit this more later so yeah. I also just realized how quickly this story is progressing and I'm pretty sure we're gonna get to the end real soon.

oh and extra note in case you're wondering why Voldemort is still going through his plan (if I hadn't already explained it yet) even if he's alive its because in this fic he was still very much weakened from almost dying and so yeah.

Thanks for reading and until next time!

And does anybody know the game dream daddy? I now genuinely want to play it.


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