Chapter 24

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When Harry opened his eyes he was lying on the slightly damp floor of the wide chamber with a blurry image standing above him.

The blurry image dropped to his knees beside the boy and began desperately shaking him. At first Harry couldn't hear the person say anything, it was as if the world was on mute except for a faint ringing in his ears. He must've really hit his head hard.

"Har... ake up! Ginn... Harr.... come on... Harry!" as the sound of his name broke out through the haze he turned his head ever so slightly and squinted at the figure above him. The face that loomed down was pale and freckled, his eyes were blue and his hair a flaming red. 


Harry was about to push himself up when his right hand clutched at something narrow and solid. Gripping at the object in his hand Harry dimly remembered wielding a sword and swinging the blade down at the basilisk.

"The basilisk!" Harry gasped, struggling to sit up. Ron sighed in relief and helped his friend lean against a pillar "There you are mate, its fine the snake is dead but I was getting quite worried for you.." but the other boy wasn't listening anymore. His head was swiveling in all directions and was squinting this way and that. Ron seemed to realize something and exclaimed "oh! right sorry I almost forgot" the red head handed Harry what he registered was his glasses. They must've got knocked off when he fell. After sliding them on and regaining his eyesight Harry struggled to get himself on his feet and stumbled slightly when he managed to pull himself up, he was still gripping the sword in his right hand.

Grabbing onto the pillar behind him for support Harry turned to Ron who was watching him with a concerned look. Shaking his head the boy who lived waved it off despite his growing headache "I'm fine" he grounded out "just got hit by some nasty spell, I'll explain to you later but right now we should go worry over your sister" the red head's eyes widened almost comically and he rushed back to Ginny who was still limp and unconscious. Shuffling over to the duo Harry stared at the unmoving corpse of the basilisk as he passed it. He had killed the beast, he had managed to do the unthinkable and slayed the monster of Slytherin using the sword of Gryffindor.

The very sword he was using as a cane to limp towards the two Weasleys.

Wincing as he knelt besides Ginny Harry dropped the sword and pinched the bridge of his nose, that dam spell gave him a nasty migraine. After the dizziness passed he dropped his hand with a sigh and looked up at Ron who seemed both relieved and panicked "she's still alive! oh god I thought we lost her.. she's not waking up though, what the bloody hell do we do now?!" Harry sighed in relief when he heard that Ginny was alive but was now also worried that the girl wasn't waking up. Brushing a tentative hand against Ginny's arm Harry almost winced.

She was too cold.

And way way too pale.

They had to do something now or she won't last through the night at all.

Thinking fast Harry grabbed Ginny's arm and slung it over his shoulders "come on we'll both carry her, how did you get in and where did you left Lockhart?" Ron grabbed his sister's other arm and led them all towards the entrance of the chamber. Before they left though Harry remembered to drag the sword and the sorting hat along with him and to cast a final glance at the dead serpent, at least the snake wouldn't be bothering anyone again anytime soon.

They left that accursed chamber together and crawled through the opening in the rocks Ron had apparently dug out when Harry didn't responded to any of his shouts and calls. The emerald eyed boy went out first to help pull Ginny out of the gap and supported her while her brother crawled through besides them.  They were just about to leave the way they came in from -up the tunnel and towards the pipes- when a majestic red bird flew out of the opening in the rocks. It was Fawkes! Dumbledore's phoenix hadn't left at all but had stayed with Harry through out this entire ordeal. The boy grinned at the bird and as they started walking towards that strange pipe slide Ron threw an amazed glanced at Harry "what the bloody hell is a phoenix doing down here?" he asked as he watched said phoenix flying above them "he's Dumbledore's, I promise I'll explain everything later" they were both heaving as they put greater energy in trying to get out of this dark and damp chamber. Although Ginny was light and barely weighed anything in her state they were both tiered and exhausted.

When they reached the mouth of the pipe they found Lockhart sitting there and humming to himself. Apparently the man had wiped out his own memories when he attempted the obliviate charm on Harry and Ron with the red head's broken wand.

Personally Harry thought that this was the only respite (next to killing the basilisk of course) from this entire dam thing.

"Now what? how in Merlin's name are we going to get out of here?!" Ron was clearly panicking, he tightened his grip on his sister's arm and kept throwing glances at the girl. Ginny's condition was quickly deteriorating, whatever Voldemort did certainly it left its mark on the young Weasley.

Fawkes suddenly chirped and flew low to them, the bird waved his long feathery tail in front of Harry's face until it was clear what he was asking. Urging Ron (who was dubious that a bird could fly them out) to grab hold of Lockhart Harry tucked the sword and the sorting hat into his belt and as gently as he could grabbed on to the bird's golden tail. With a sudden whoosh they were up in the air and flying out of the Chamber of Secrets with Lockhart screaming "this is amazing! this is just like magic!" below them.

Wind whipped into Harry's face and hair and just before he was starting to enjoy the ride the four wizards were dropped unceremoniously onto moaning Myrtle's wet bathroom floor. A startled laugh broke out of Harry and he struggled to get himself in a sitting position.

It was finally over- the basilisk of Slytherin was no more.

Hogwarts was safe again.

But a chill went down his spine as he remembered the terrifying grinning half mask and glowing green eyes that reminded Harry of the killing curse that killed his parents. The curse that almost killed him.

The heir of Voldemort was back.

eyyyyyy I'm back! whooooo

I'm sorry that I couldn't update much in these pass few weeks but I had to go on a lot of trips for school and family stuff. 

The next few chapters will be on Harry's point of view and I'm currently working on them right now.

Oh! before I forget I'm also going to post a final vote for the ships later on today, the reason I'm having a final vote is so I can be sure what people would rather prefer. The two ships that will be available to vote will be the two top ships from the previous poll so if the ship you wanted weren't the top voted one I'm sorry!

I hope you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think!


Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now