Chapter 22

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"Kill him"

The moment Percy heard those words he knew that there was no backing out now.

No. That was wrong, he knew that there was no backing out since the beginning. But this right here, this exact moment he knew that whatever will happen will be in his conscious forever. Whether Potter or  Weasley died it will be his actions that have led toward this very second.

And it will be his actions that will end it all.

Well not exactly, all Percy was tasked to do now was too make sure nothing went awry and that things will go according to plan. Slowly standing up from the crouch he was in Percy made his way around the chamber towards his sixteen year old father (not as weird as it sounds) by slipping behind pillars, making extra sure that Potter didn't see him. This turned out to be a lost cause because as soon as he settled behind another pillar (this time closer to his "father") Percy could hear the high cold laughter that was coming from the soon to be dark lord and saw that Potter had tripped and was now shielding his eyes away from the basilisk. 

Holy Hades.

Was this it? was this the end of the boy who lived? Percy tensed in anticipation and slightly edged forward, wanting to see what happened next.

It was the bird.

That dam phoenix was what happened next.

Dumbledore's pet suddenly swooped in from wherever it was hiding and dived towards the basilisk. From his angle Percy couldn't see what happened next but what he did see was the splatter of blood and the pained trashing of the giant snake as the phoenix sang its eerie song and repeatedly clawed and jabbed at the serpent's scales. Soon he heard Riddle hissing angrily in parseltongue and felt himself go cold.

No! leave the bird! the boy is behind you, you can still smell him! kill him!

It had blinded the snake.

That bloody bird blinded the basilisk of Slytherin!

Phobos bared his fangs in anger from where he settled himself around Percy's neck and hissed into his master's ear "kill it massster, how dare that phoenix harm the serpent king!" Percy was ready to step in when Mr. I-am-Lord-Voldemort's eyes snapped towards his and flashed dangerously.

The message was clear- Stay the fuck away.

And when the future dark lord gives you that look Merlin be damned if you didn't do as he says.

Resisting the urge to stand and up and join the fray the restless demigod begin to feel uneasy once again.

And boy was he right to feel uneasy because oh my god Harry Potter got a goddam sword and where the Hades did he get it and dear lord he's aiming it at the basilisk and-

He was too late. 

The snake fell sideways and twitched in its death throes.

What the hell just happened.

Percy was here to make sure nothing went wrong. To make sure that things go as smoothly as planned and here he was failing at the one thing he was tasked to do from the beginning.

But it wasn't over yet.

That cursed Potter was still alive- though just barely it seems. The boy was leaning against a wall, supporting his arm which had a fang he knew to be poisonous protruding out of it.


It seems the mighty serpent had done his job.

"You're dead Harry" Riddle was saying "do you see what Dumbledore's pet bird is doing? he's crying" Percy frowned, a phoenix crying? but didn't their tears.. oh sweet Merlin. Soon Riddle must have realized that too because he yelled and there was a sound like gunshot and the bird was flying away.

"It makes no difference Potter, in fact its better this way- just me and you" although Percy have no doubt in his father's abilities or skills as a dueler the fact remains that he just wasn't in his full strength so there was no way in Hades that he wasn't going to intervene in some way at the end of this.

And also the bird came back around and dropped a diary in Potter's lap and at this point Percy simply leaped out of the shadows with his wand raised and a spell that blasted the fang that Potter was beginning to swing down away. The other boy looked up in shock, not registering at first who was now standing besides the phantom dark lord. Realization came with the fear as he figured out that it was the same person who had stolen the philosopher's stone, the same person who had almost killed him in his first year.

The same person who Dumbledore speculated was the heir of Voldemort.

And soon the boy who lived was knocked out by a stunner before he could form any words.

Tom Riddle looked vaguely annoyed as Percy walked over and handed the diary back to him "it is done yet my lord?" the green eyed boy asked as he stood tensely next to Ginny Weasley's body "not yet but that damned phoenix must've already warned Dumbledore by now and his goons are most likely nearing" the future dark lord cursed but otherwise kept a calm facade "it doesn't matter anymore, the girl is already on the brink of death and I've regained enough strength for now- if you don't leave soon this whole thing will be blown apart" Percy wholeheartedly agreed, he also wasn't in the mood to be fighting off professors who in no doubt must be coming this way.

The older Riddle prepared himself to return to his book as a memory, there was nothing he could do now without his full strength and a wand. In the end they had half succeeded in what they came for and oh yes the dark lord will grow in his power after this little excursion. Before the older boy could "disappear" though he turned an appraising eye at one Perseus Riddle. No he disbelievingly thought, his son and heir.

"You did good.. Percy" the future dark lord said with a little smirk before he seemed to phase out from existence.

Percy beg to differ. 

Things couldn't have gone any worse.

Oh look! an actual long chapter! don't see that everyday. But seriously though I'm sorry for not updating longer chapters (I just didn't have the time nor the motivation  to do so) or updating much in general but I promise you I'll try harder from now on and since I don't have much school work at the moment  I'll try making updates more frequent.

And since so many of you are against Percy being with an OC I will now back away from that idea in fear of the fandom chasing after me. Oh please go ahead and vote in the chapter before this on who you want Percy to be with if you haven't already because I really need help to figure that out. And all you Percabeth shippers better go and vote too if you really want to them in this series.

I hoped you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think and I guess that's all for this week so yeah.. bye? oh oh oh and have any of you read Eliza and Her Monsters??? I'm completely wrecked because of it and dear Merlin how I cried.


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