Chapter 10

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Heir of Slytherin.

Harry Bloody Potter.

The heir of Slytherin.

Percy had laughed a good ten minutes or so when he first heard the rumors because come on, Harry POTTER? the heir of Slytherin? his father's plans was turning out much more entertaining then it should be.

Hogwarts was practically bursting with rumors that Potter was some sort of dark wizard, just yesterday Percy saw (much to his own amusement) a bunch of hufflepuff first years run away from the so called "chosen one" people were practically scared that the golden boy of Gryffindor might target them next. 

The only other thing that was notable was (strange enough) the history class they had this week. Granger had raised her hand and asked professor Bins about the chamber of secrets, the entire class (not including him) had listened with a vigorous attention that was practically unheard of in the history class.

Oh yeah and watching Potter recreate scenes from Lockhart's books (his current favorite was the vampire who couldn't eat anything but lettuce and the werewolf) also made his (and practically every other Slytherins) day.

The upcoming quidditch match was drawing ever closer and before he knew it Sunday morning had rolled about and he was in the changing rooms with the rest of the Slytherin team. Percy sat down on a bench as he pulled on his quidditch gloves and traced the fancy engravings on his Nimbus 2001 (which everybody in the team was still admiring), Flint had stood up and began his usual speech of 'we better win or I'll beat you into a pulp' and he easily tuned it out. They've been training as much as they can and Percy was confident that they would win.

All clad in green and silver the team walked out of the pitch proudly and were greeted to thunderous cheers and shouts of encouragement, most of them from the Slytherin section of the stands. Percy took off on his broom and marveled at the sheer speed and control of the Nimbus, the crowd was also staring in awe at the Slytherins who they practically only saw as green blurs.

When the game started Percy flew to the side of the pitch and continued to look for the snitch from his vantage point, occasionally dodging bludgers sent by the Weasley twins. Their combined skills and superior brooms were definitely doing the job, Slytherin was already far ahead of the Gryffindor team. Potter was also looking for the snitch not far from where he is, though from what he can see the Gryffindor was far too busy watching the game and narrowly avoiding bludgers, strange Percy thought as he watched another bludger attempt to behead the boy. His eyes suddenly widened as he realized, the bludger had been tampered with.

The Gryffindors seem to also notice this and called for a timeout, Percy flew towards Draco as they waited for the game to continue. "I think the bludger had been tampered with" he said nonchalantly, Draco merely shrugged and smirked viciously "well it certainly isn't our problem" he says rather arrogantly.

When the game started again it was raining quite heavily and Percy returned to his position with a determined expression and kept an eye for the snitch when he heard Draco calling out with glee "training for the ballet Potter!" and suddenly he saw it. There, right beside his friend's ear was the golden snitch.   

Percy shot off just as Potter came to his senses, the crowd roared as the two seekers chased after the elusive snitch. The good news was that Percy was slightly ahead as he had the better broom and had gone after it first, the bad news was that the bludgers wasn't letting go of Potter which unfortunately made him a target as well.

Dodging a bludger aimed at his head Percy leaned forward on his broom, urging it to go faster, faintly he heard a sickening crunch as the bludger found its target and risked a glance back. Potter was cradling his arm and had a dazed expression on his face, but there was also something there. Determination, Potter wasn't giving up on the snitch (which Percy can respect) and neither was he.

Using the moments hesitation Percy shot off and reached out a hand for the snitch, fingers curling around it and with a shout of frustration finally snatched it out of the air. Raising the hand closed around the snitch and landing on the pitch he saw the other Slytherins doing the same and running towards him hooting and shouting. Percy vaguely registered that he was being hoisted onto a shoulder and instead glance towards the Gryffindors surrounding Potter who was still cradling his arm.

That's 2 for me and 0 for you

Smirking Percy punched the air and celebrated with the rest of the Slytherins.

If only he knew about the chaos to come.

See that wasn't a long wait was it? anyway I hoped you liked it and please let me know what you think as usual!

By the way I was re reading chambers of secrets and thought that if Malfoy wasn't such a lousy seeker (I still love him though!) that Slytherin might've actually won so yeah.

Oh and I went to a Yuri!!! On Ice event! I bought so much stuff and had so much fun. 

Otabek is my favorite ;)


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