Chapter 15

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Percy was miserable.

He sat at the Slytherin's table in the great hall and glared at everybody who stared at him.

This was an absolute nightmare.

Daphne sat in front of her friend with an amused expression and rolled her eyes "oh come on you twat it isn't that bad" Theo who sat next to her grimaced "oh its that bad" Draco scowled "its that bloody peacock of a man" the blonde sneered, eyes glancing around distastefully at the room. The walls of the great hall was decorated with ghastly looking pink flowers, heart shaped confetti was falling from the sky blue ceiling.

It was Valentines.

It was bloody Valentines.

"Why are we even celebrating Valentines of all things" Percy quietly moaned, his friends snickering around him. I mean come on! he thought, Wizards don't even celebrate Valentines. The holiday was just some muggle excuse to buy cheap chocolate and roses and write sappy poetry to each other and boast about relationships.

This was truly a nightmare.

Lockhart -the man who was obviously responsible for this as the other teachers did not seem remotely amused- who was using lurid pink robes to 'match' the decorations started blabbing on and on about the 'spirit of the occasion' and Valentine cards and what in the holly hell you've got to be kidding me.


Wearing ridiculous golden wings and carrying harps.

With the task of being "card carrying cupids".  

This was not worth waking up for.

Blaise who was sitting next to Percy glanced at him with slight concern "you alright mate? you look like you haven't gotten any sleep in days" the normally boisterous boy said, a statement not far from the truth.

Ever since Potter and Weasley got their hands on the diary Percy had only been able to get a few hours of sleep each night. He had immediately mailed his father of the situation and had been scolded for not keeping better track of the mission (a mistake he admits in making), the last few days have been spent trying to figure out a way to get the diary back without damaging the plan.

But there was also another reason why Percy hadn't slept well the last few days, dreams from the demigod side of his life had been steadily increasing. He dreams of the strange spiky haired girl with the curious taste in clothing, he dreams of a younger Annabeth and the same girl along with a not yet scarred Luke running away from something- most likely a monster. He was sure that these dreams mean something but he couldn't seem to contact Annabeth or anyone from camp, he tried mailing them but the letters went unanswered, he tried Iris messaging (the demigods way in communicating) but even if they were willing to talk his demanding schedule and various other distraction wouldn't leave for a very informative conversation. Resisting the urge to rub at his tiered eyes he shuffled along with his other classmates and tried to focus on his lessons.

Which of course is made impossible by the various 'card-carrying cupids' running around the castle and sending people messages in the middle of classes. It was amusing at first but the amusement quickly died off when three of those so called 'cupids' came bearing messages for him.

Draco will never let him forget that.

Instead of getting embarrassed however Percy simply laughed along and replied with sarcastic comments, at least none of his messages were as bad as the one Potter got. 

"His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad-
his hair is as dark as blackboard-
I wish he was mine, he's really divine-
The hero who conquered the dark lord-"


This entire thing was making him sick.

By the fourth message he got Percy was starting to get fed up "why aren't you enjoying this mate? girls are practically throwing themselves at your feet" Blaise says as he laughed along with the others in the safety of the Slytherin common room. Percy glared at the boy venomously, he did not take kindly to getting publicly embarrassed "shut it you bloody wanker do you expect me to start dating or something you dolt?" the laughs subsided but the snickering remained.

"Oh don't tell me you're not secretly enjoying this Perce, at least four different girls ("I'm pretty sure its more then that" Daphne whispered with a grin) think you're attractive- all the boys in second year are frankly getting jealous" Draco says with a mischievous glint, something Percy noticed and did not appreciate.

A few pairs of fifth years walked in and grinned when they saw the group, the leader stepped forward -who just happened to be the Slytherin prefect, Joe or something- and slyly said "heard you were getting pretty popular with the ladies Riddle" Percy groaned and fell face first on a pillow, gesturing rudely to the laughing people now surrounding him.

He wholly blames Aphrodite for this mess.

Here's a much more light hearted chapter then the past few ones. I got exited when this chapter came around in the book (I'm flipping through the Chamber Of Secrets book as I write this fanfic) cause I wanted to mess with Percy a bit *evil smirk* but yeah this was fun to write.

And would you look at that? an update not a few days later after the last one, frankly I'm quite proud.

So if anyone hadn't noticed the watty awards are coming around soon, I'm not really sure if I should join in or not but a little advice wouldn't hurt (I definitely could use some).

Oh and a little news I'm currently working on another... Percy Jackson crossover... not going to say what it is but I'm sure you'll see it around soon.. or maybe not...

Anyway I hoped you liked it and as usual tell me what you think and you are all welcome to point out all the spelling mistakes I make (no seriously please do so as I will most likely forget and not fix it).

So yeah! I hope you have a good day,


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