Chapter 3

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Percy was in a room.

It was some sort of class and he was sitting in a chair. No he was chained down he realized looking down at his arms which were stuck uselessly at his sides. There was someone else with him, a girl who had peculiar spiky black hair and brilliant electric blue eyes. She was wearing a leather jacket with strange buttons all over it, her jeans were ripped up in some places and she wore boots that went up to her knees. "Well seaweed brain?" The girl said looking at him "are you gonna do it?" After awhile she scoffed and turned around "fine I'll do it myself". The spiky haired girl walked towards something (was that a coffin?) and heaved it open. Percy had to shut his eyes as gold light spilled around them and quickly opened them again when he heard the girl's terrified gasp. Straining to see what was in the coffin he struggled against his bonds, a sudden and strange desire to destroy whatever it was in that coffin. "No.. this can't be" the blue eyed girl stuttered, seemingly horrified. Shouting frustratingly he gave one last attempt to escape his chains before he was thrust back into reality.


Percy sighed in relief as the last of his clothes flew into his trunk and walked over to his bed. He gingerly picked up his new sleek black broom and traced the silver engravings- the nimbus 2001. Draco and he had been ecstatic when they saw it and even more so when they bought it. Grinning he remembered the conversation he and Draco had with Mr. Malfoy that led to the elder Malfoy agreeing to buy the whole entire Slytherin team new nimbus 2001's as a gift for 'last years brilliant victory!' and Percy could just imagine Flint's expression once he receive the nimbus by owl, Gryffindor simply have no chance against them this year.

Hearing someone opening his door he looked up and saw his father walking in. Tom waved a disinterested hand and the broom in Percy held shrink until it was the size of his finger "don't forget the counter spell" his father drawled, voice sounding slightly strange. Nodding in thanks he tucked the broom away safely in the opened trunk and closed it "of course not father, is there anything I can help you with?" he asked sitting down crossed legged on his bed.

"You are to return to Hogwarts tomorrow" Tom started walking around the room "I wanted to make sure you remember your task" and Percy felt his insides stiffen.

Just when he thought he was going to have a nice free year with no trouble (how very naive of him) his father immediately gave him another assignment- and not an easy on mind you, in fact if he gets caught he would probably get thrown into Azkaban. His father had explained to him about the chamber's of secret and after having a double take at finding out that a Basilisk had been living in Hogwarts for decades Percy had been told about horcruxes.

His awe and respect (and maybe a bit of fear) for his father had been greatly doubled in knowing what measures the elder Riddle took in order to achieve his goals. When his father had told him what one of the horcrux was (a diary by the sound of it) it all started to click. "That's what Malfoy put in the Weasley girl's cauldron!" he had exclaimed "why would you take such a risk in whatever plan you have? that was part of your soul Malfoy gave away" his father then explained to him on what Percy must do. He must awaken the great Basilisk and release it so it may continue its duty in purifying Hogwarts  with the help of a possessed Ginny Weasley who will pour out her heart and soul into a diary (that's not actually a diary) that will grow more powerful as time goes on (therefore making his father more powerful).

The plan was created in hopes of getting Dumbledore sacked, to instill fear in the hearts of people as they realize that their kids might very well be the next victim of a petrifying monster, to make it clear that no one is safe- even in Hogwarts. The ministry would then have no choice but to take action, Percy nodded tiredly "of course father I will not let you down" he says determinedly. Tom stopped in front of his heir and regarded him closely, noticing the dark circles under his eyes and his tousled appearance. The dark lord almost looked concern (emphasis on the almost) "did your nightmares return?" Percy dismissively shrugged off the question "its nothing really I'll just ask Snape if he has any dreamless sleep potion when we're in Hogwarts" even as he said this he knew that he wasn't intending to do so.

No matter how much of an annoyance the dreams could be they contain useful information, and for whatever reason he felt as if the dreams were the only thing keeping him connected to what's going on with camp. His father nodded curtly and turned swiftly around already reaching for the door handle as Percy sighed and fell back against his pillows.

-What isss the matter massster? you ssseeem tired- His familiar Phobos hissed, coiled around the raven haired boy's arm.

-it'ssss nothing Phobosss- Percy hissed back, the weight of what he had to do upon returning to Hogwarts finally enveloping him and the fact that his friend was missing and that his other friend was out in the dangerous seas and possibly getting killed.

Truly, he had a wonderful life.

I know I'm not updating much but I've been busy! I promise I'll try harder and whatnot but anyway I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading! Till next time.

(Oh and side note next time probably means by next week)

(And another side note, I'll probably edit this more later).


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