Chapter 11

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The next few days passed by blissfully, nothing but doing school work and exploring the castle grounds in peace with his friends.

Ha ha ha yeah no there was another petrified victim.

This time it was the muggle born first year that liked to follow Potter around with that damned camera of his. The school was in a flurry of panic, people buying and trading so called 'protective devices' against the monster of Slytherin.

The most notable thing that had happened was a disastrous potions class where Goyle's swelling potion had exploded and almost everybody -not including him because he had the time to conjure an umbrella charm-  had been showered by the stuff (Draco got a face full of it to the face and his nose had gone all swollen and red). As Snape tried to regain control and keep everybody calm Percy noticed that Granger had slipped out the classroom. For the past few days the golden trio have been acting quite strangely and he can sometimes see them whispering furiously to each other and once caught them throwing distrustful looks at Draco.

They were obviously up to something.

It was about a week later that anything remotely interesting even happened; the dueling club was announced.  "So?" Draco says dropping gracefully into one of the many armchairs in the Slytherin common room "should we go and take a look?" Percy shrugged "as long as that peacock of a man isn't the one teaching I say we go" apparently he doesn't have much luck as Lockhart was indeed teaching the class.

The dueling club was held in the great hall which was already quite packed with students by the time Percy and the others arrived. Pushing their way to the front he looked around as they sat close to the platform that was set up to make some sort of dueling stage and found that Potter and his friends was there as well, standing not so far away from them. As they waited for the professor to arrive Percy's thoughts wondered, he couldn't help but think of Annabeth who had sent a letter long after the last one. She had written about sirens, Circe (the literal minor goddess of magic, he would've liked to meet her until Annabeth had mentioned that the sorceress was known for turning men into animals like pigs and guinea pigs) and many other possible life ending events that made him more antsier by the minute.

Realizing that he was fidgeting Percy tried to still himself and ran a hand through his already messy hair trying to smooth it down when Lockhart came swaggering up and down the dueling stage. As he was not really making an effort to actually listen to the man it was quite the surprise when he heard professor Snape being called up.

"Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry.. you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him" Lockhart said with a 'disarming' (get it) smile. Percy nearly snorted, if this was an actual duel there won't be much left of the defense professor once Snape is through with him.

The two men stood in front of each other with their wands drawn and bowed as was the tradition, then they turned away and walked a few paces in the opposite direction. When they faced each other again Percy noted their stances. Snape was in an actual dueling stance, ready to defend or cast a spell while Lockhart's stance seems more for style and appearance. The latter of the two smiled as if he thought he could beat Snape easily, which he probably did as he supposedly done so many heroic and amazing things (or so his books and admirers say).

"1....2...3!" As soon as Lockhart finished counting down Snape had his wand directed to the man faster then you could blink "expelliarmus!" the spell was so powerful that it blasted Lockhart of his feet and the man landed rather painfully in a sprawl as he smashed into the wall. People smirked and a few even laughed as he struggled to stand up and regain his composure.

Lockhart started spewing some nonsense about how he let Snape do that and how it was quite obvious and blah blah blah. Percy was seriously having a hard time trying not to laugh.
Tuning out the rest of the things Lockhart was saying he perked up when the man mentioned volunteers. "Potter! Weasley! how about you?" scoffing Percy rolled his eyes, of course it was going to be those two.

Snape seem to share the same sentiment "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest of spells, we'll be sending potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox" he says "might I suggest someone from my own house? Perseus perhaps?" all the Slytherin's turned to him with a glint in their eyes and Percy smirked, now it was getting interesting.

Carefully pulling himself up to the dueling stage he walked towards Potter who looked slightly anxious as he realized who he was facing. "Wands at the ready!" the two drew their wands and sea green eyes met emerald eyes, smirking Percy bowed gracefully and watched as Potter hastily do the same. They walked away from each other and took their stance, Percy bending his knees slightly and positioning himself so that it would be easy to dodge a spell.

"On the count of three cast your charms to disarm your opponents, and only to disarm" Lockhart warned and Percy smiled mockingly "I'm guessing its to much to hope that my smile would do" he says drily earning the laughs and snickers of those around him (and was that a wistful sigh?). 

As Lockhart counted down Percy analyzed his opponent and thought of the best spell he could use, the moment he heard the number 1 being called he immediately acted "depulso!" the spell hit Potter square in the chest and sent him flying. The boy who lived landed in a heap a few feat away from where he was originally standing.

Hearing loud laughs from the Slytherin section of the onlookers Percy smirked but didn't dare to spare a glance back, one thing he have thoroughly learned was to not underestimate your opponent. And sure enough he was right, Potter stood up with surprising speed and immediately retaliated "rictusempra!" a tickling charm? Percy nearly laughed and merely sidestepped the spell which seem to greatly annoy the other boy.

"Stupefy! expelliarmus!" Potter hastily dodged the stunner but walked right into the disarming spell. His wand soared through the air and Percy had a sudden idea (which might get him into trouble but isn't that the best sort of plans?)and smirked, he whispered an incantation under his breath "Serpensortia" to the horror of many a jet black snake shot out from his wand and started hissing at Potter.

Snape walked forwards "don't worry Potter I'll get rid of it for you" but Lockhart interrupted with a flourish of his wand "allow me" whatever the man did however seem to make the snake angrier, with a hiss it turned to a hufflepuff student staring with wide terrified eyes and Percy could see the snake's gleaming sharp fangs.

"Leave him alone!"  Percy startled, surprised to hear those hissed words coming from Potter. Inexplicably the snake slumped to the floor and didn't move, the room was so silent you can hear Potter's good sense walking out the door.

Eyes wide and a barely concealed disbelieving expression on his face Percy's head tilted, huh who would've thought the chosen one, the light side's so called savior be a parseltongue of all things.

He was going to have to write one hell of a letter tonight.


But yeah its been a while and I'd probably edit again later I'm not quite sure, please tell me what you think and give me feedback as usual! and if your slightly confused some of the things that happened I took from the book and some I took from the movie so its a mix of both.

Oh and have any of you watched the new DanandPhilcraft video? I'm freaked out.

Next update will be hopefully soon but it might be awhile since I'm about to get busy again because *shrugs* real life.


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