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Okay so I need your help.

While I love Percabeth and think that they're an absolute power couple I'm thinking of changing the ships in this fanfic. I just kinda feel like maybe that the ship doesn't really fit the story much? maybe I feel like I want a character who would understand this darker Percy more then Annabeth? well since I'm having a bit of a problem deciding I've decided to have a little vote.

And who exactly is the other person you could vote for? well....

Its Nico.

Okay so hear me out I just feel like Nico would understand dark Percy more I guess? but if Pernico win I have to say that I would probably write it as a more romantic attraction between the both as in its probably going to be a bit vague (because if the people I know in real life know I write this stuff I'm dead but I don't really care anymore because I really really want to write it) and I'd also probably make Nico a bit older.

I guess what I'm saying is I need a character that would compliment his dark side but would still be like "no Percy that's wrong" you know?

Okay so yeah, I'll list the options below so you can comment which one you'd prefer and the voting will end when this book finish so I'll announce the winner then.

1. Annabeth (Percabeth).

2. Nico (Pernico).

3. Loner Percy (or aromantic Percy if you want).

4. Original character (it would be pretty cool if I can make a character maybe from Durmstrang (?) that would appear around goblets of fire- write down suggestions if you want!)

4. Other (and comment who you'd like to see Percy with).

Consider this a late birthday present for Percy

Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now