Chapter 6

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After the hilarious scene in breakfast Percy and his friends trudged down to their first lesson of the day which was herbology. When they arrived the raven haired boy couldn't help but smother a grin as one Gilderoy Lockhart was chatting away merrily with a disgruntled looking professor Sprouts- which was a rather odd sight as the professor was usually a cheerful person.

"Greenhouse three everybody!" the professor said, eager to stop the conversation with the now beaming man. Percy raised an eyebrow, they rarely went to greenhouse three as most of the interesting and dangerous plants were held there. As the class excitedly moved away Lockhart cut through the din to call out to Potter who looked unsure whether or not he should follow the man or run away. Draco rolled his eyes as the Gryffindor was dragged off "probably telling Potter how to look good while driving into the Whomping Willows or something" shrugged Pansy busying herself with a loose strand of hair and looking at Draco in a way that made Percy want to laugh.

Following the rest of the class Percy breathed in the smell of damp earth and fertilizer mixing in with the smell of the plants hanging from the roof and placed carefully around the greenhouse, it almost reminded him of the smell that always seem to surround the Demeter cabin back in camp. Taking his place next to Draco and Theo he let his mind wander for awhile before returning his attention to Professor Sprouts who had begun talking, vaguely seeing Potter rush in from his conversation with Lockhart.

"Gather 'round everyone! we'll be repotting  Mandrakes today, now who can tell what their properties are?" Granger's  hand shot up even before the Professor was finished talking and she quickly answered, gaining Gryffindor ten points along the way. Percy was only half listening as he was too busy staring at the inconspicuous looking plant, knowing not to underestimate it as it can knock out a person with its cry.

"The mandrakes forms an essential part in most antidotes it is however also dangerous, who can tell me why?" Granger raised her hand again and Percy did too- albeit calmer and more composed. Professor Sprouts gestured for him to answer, delighted that someone other then the brown haired Gryffindor girl knew the answer. "The cry of the mandrake is known to be fatal to those who hear it" he explains, recalling the information his father had told him. In preparation of the.... plans the dark lord had prepared Percy had asked if there was a way to reverse the effects of staring indirectly into a Basilisk's eyes (which is paralysis instead of death) and his father had told him about the mandrakes hence his knowledge of said plant.

"Very good, ten points to Slytherin" pleased Percy smiled slightly and rolled his eyes as Draco threw a smug look towards Potter and his friends before once again paying attention to the lesson. As they were going to be repotting mandrakes Professor Sprouts had prepared ear muffs for them all so they wouldn't pass out and such.

So naturally Longbottom passed out.

The class ended not long after and the day continued pleasantly, without a problem for him or his friends (and it was rather amusing to watch Weasley struggle with his taped together wand in Transfiguration- honestly who would be so careless with their wand?). Finally the last lesson of the day rolled about which of course had to be defense against the dark arts where they had Lockhart as a teacher (how lucky of them). So after lunch the small group walked towards the courtyard in time to see Potter all flustered because of some exited first year who had asked for a signed photo.

Draco who could never resist embarrassing Potter sneered "seriously Potter? your giving out signed photos?"  his scathing voice carried across the yard, gaining the attention of the people around. Potter angrily denied and his new fanboy quickly defended him "your just jealous" the small first year said. Snorting loudly Percy stepped beside his friend and said coolly "what gives you the idea that we're jealous of some half blood with a scar on his forehead being buggered by some first year" Weasley turned to him and opened his mouth to retort when the redhead seem to think better of it as the raven haired boy directed his cold gaze to him and as Crabbe rubbed his knuckles in a menacing way. 

Tuning out the rest of the conversation after that he almost didn't notice that Lockhart had swept in and took Potter away. Pulling a sniggering Draco he led his friends into the classroom and took a seat at the front in the Slytherin half of the room. Pulling out his copies of Lockhart's books with clear distaste he leaned back on his chair and barely payed attention to the lesson knowing that the man wasn't going to teach them anything useful. Scoffing at the 'quiz' the man had given them he wondered how this fool was given a teaching post at one of the best magical institutes in the world in the first place, seriously did they not pay better attention to whose going to be teaching defensive magic of all things.

And of course the man had to bring a whole cage of Cornish pixies, a whole cage! not only that but he then proceed to set them free and let the entire class to fend for themselves as the so called 'teacher' ran away. Percy was able to cast a powerful enough shield around his friends with slight difficulties (he had to wrestle his wand from a particularly annoying pixie) long enough for them to run out the class just as the bell rang.

Just honestly, Cornish pixies? of all things? it had to be Cornish pixies? a cheerful thought came to him, with Lockhart teaching Potter wouldn't last a week Percy muses and with that in mind he happily walked back to the Slytherin common room. Maybe things weren't going to be as bad as he thought they would be, maybe he was simply overreacting about it all.

cue hysterical laughter.

Happy holidays and whatnot! anyway I hoped you liked this chapter its more of a filler really and I didn't really edit or anything but I promise next chapter will be hopefully better!

Thank you for reading and I hope your having a pleasant week! :)


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