Extra stuff and news

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Hey so this book is over.


And I just wanted to write down some stuff about when I'm going to write the next book and so on.

Long story short: it's gonna take awhile.

I know I know I won't go into like a year hiatus on these books but I just wanna take some time to write other stuff and to focus on my studies.

For example I'm thinking about joining the new novella contest and that might take a while and I'd need to focus all my attention on the contest (but if I do end up joining you should go ahead and look for my entry:)). Also I have some new ideas I wanted to explore and I'm really exited to show you some of the stuff I've been working on.

Oh and in other news listen to the song I linked to this chapter it's really good (DALLON WEEKS OHMAGOD).

So yeah that's all I gotta really say, hope you guys are having a great week and I'll see you next time.


Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now