Chapter 8

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"Percy are you sure you don't want to come?" Draco called out from the doorway to the figure lying on the bed, fiddling with something that looked like a pen. Percy shook his head "its alright really I'm still aching from quiditch practice and I'm thinking of writing a letter" he says waving off the curious glance the blonde throws at him. Suddenly Draco smirks "oh? a letter did you say? is it by chance to a certain blonde haired American.." his words were cut off as the raven haired boy threw a pillow to his friend's smug face "oi! watch the hair! no need to get violent, wait till my father hear about this.." Draco exclaimed rather dramatically before leaving the room.

As soon as the door was shut and he was alone Percy immediately seized his cloak and securely placed his wand in its holster.

-Don't forget me masssster -

Hissed his snake Phobos who came slithering up his arm. Smiling slightly at the glamoured viper (did you really think Hogwarts would let a student- a Slytherin nonetheless- bring a highly venomous snake?) he stroked the snake's oddly smooth (the glamour made Phobos look like a python) scales as he wrapped around Percy's wrist.

-Of courssse not Phobosss I was merely waiting for you-

Fingering the pendant around his neck he whispered the spell that would cloak him with invisibility and started for the door- not before however grabbing a piece of parchment from his desk. Quietly shutting the door behind him he hurriedly walk towards the common room and waited for someone to open the entrance (people would wander why it opened by it self so sadly he had to wait). As a pair of first years walked in he brushed past them, smirking slightly at the mystified looks as they felt a slight chill passing (why should they even be surprised, there's literally ghosts in Hogwarts).

Silently walking pass hallways and down moving stairs Percy followed the hastily written instructions on the piece of parchment and ended up in front of the girl's lavatories on the first floor of the castle. From what he knew the bathroom was seldom used as a ghost seem to have taken residence in it (moaning Myrtle or so they say) so knowing this Percy felt relieved as he won't need to be awkwardly explaining why there was an entrance to the supposedly secret chamber and how in Merlin's name he even knew it. Just to be sure though Percy kept the pendant on and made sure he was invisible before stepping up to the sinks.

Slowly walking around it he made sure not to miss any single detail and came upon a sink with a snake decorating its tap. Tracing the snake curiously he looked down at Phobos who had come slithering out from his favorite position in underneath Percy's shirt sleeves -try ssssaying something-  encouraged the snake. Pocketing the parchment paper he felt for the handle of his wand and made sure his pen was still in his pocket (just to be safe) before hissing "open" in parsletongue and stepping back in slight shock.

He watched curiously as the sinks suddenly open to form some sort of pathway.

Only to realize it formed into some sort of slide.

Grumbling slightly (much to the amusement of Phobos) Percy sat down and readied himself before pushing off down the (pipe?) slide like path.

Seriously, how can a school not pay attention to its own plumbing.

The slide continued on for quite sometime, stopping abruptly farther below then he expected. His feet landed with a small splash, looking down he could see that his pristine shoes had landed in a wet puddle.

 Just his bloody luck.

Taking out his wand and whispering lumos' the light shone through the dark and damp space to reveal a a dark and seemingly endless tunnel.

What fun.

After deactivating his pendant Percy walked with slow and measured steps as he began his long (Merlin help him) journey through the tunnels and felt as if he would never find the end of it until oh yeah-

he stepped on the dead skin of a 20 feet long snake.

(stop laughing at me Phobos I absolutely did not shrieked)

After gaping at the sheer size of it he continued on  with more care and sooner or later crept upon another bend to find a solid wall in front of him. Walking closer he could now see the two entwined snakes with glinting emerald eyes and smiled slightly "open" Percy hissed and was greeted to the sight of a dimly lit chamber with great pillars with carvings of snakes supporting the ceiling.

-I wisssh to be in my original form sssshould we meet the great bassilisk massster-

Phobos hissed into his ear as he slithered down his wand arm. Percy waved a hand and the snake hissed once again, pleased to have his own skin back. Running a finger along Phobos's rough scales Percy took a step forward and cast a glance towards the dark ceiling before calmly striding towards the statue of Salazar Slytherin. Once in front of the great statue he drew in a breath and said confidently in parseltongue "speak to me Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four"  and watched with awed fascination as it moved.

It seems like his year is just beginning after all.

Hello! I am very sorry that I'm not updating as much as I should, I've just been rather busy lately and been putting off writing for awhile and I know this probably isn't much but I promise the next one will be better.

Just a side note this is happening as a certain emerald eyed Gryffindor is serving detention with Lockhart and mysteriously started hearing hisses from the walls...

In other news, there's going to be a Percy Jackson musical!!!!!! I put up the video of one of the songs and its amazing (still waiting on that Percy Jackson TV show though..) and already more accurate then the two movies combine. IMAGINE A PERCABETH DUET. 

Anyway It might be a while until the next update because I'm going on a trip of sorts so I'll most likely be able to put up a new chapter either next Sunday or Monday (or Wednesday, depends if I can finish it on time).

I hope you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think! until next time,


P.S I already watched The Final Problem and lets just say that I am definitely not okay...

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