Chapter 17

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Potter still had the diary.

If he was smart enough he would've figured out how to use it by this point and Percy was not nervous by that. After all he knew that the memory of his father's 16 year old self (and wasn't that a big shock when Percy first wrote to him) would only show the reason of Hagrid's expulsion- the big man had supposedly released the monster the last time. This was a good thing as it would throw Potter off his back for awhile because surely finding a diary with his last name would make the Gryffindor suspicious of him. So Percy didn't thought much about it and soon found a way to get the diary back. Since Potter stayed in the Gryffindor dormitory he couldn't just waltz in and get the book, trying to get the diary himself would be too much a hassle and what Percy really needed was an insider.

which he already got.

In the form of one Ginny Weasley, the source of his problems in the first place. The girl will soon find out that getting rid of the diary was not as easy as she thought it was.

So one problem down now all Percy had to worry about was his studies (something that seems quite unimportant in the face of everything else but his father would murder him if his grades drops so here he is) and choosing third year electives.


Muggle studies was obviously not an option and divination was a subject his father frowned upon (I wonder why) so his only options were really arithamancy, runes and care of magical creatures. "I'll be choosing care of magical creatures and runes I mean pouring over number charts seems exhausting to me" Draco announced in their shared room when they were looking over the classes, Blaise snorted "yes its not at all because you're rubbish with actually putting an effort into your school work" the blonde threw a glare at the three now snickering boys "oh like you're any better Zabini" Percy laughed at the mock insulted look Blaise had and cut in.

"Oh shut it both of you, I'm choosing care of magical creatures and runes but Potter is obviously going to be in magical creatures so please can it on your Potter rants Malfoy" he says with a grin "oi! what rants? I never ranted what are you on about twat" Draco exclaimed, his ears reddening slightly. Percy grinned a bit more and shook his head "what about you Theo? what are you choosing?" the quiet boy shrugged "I guess I'll choose arithamancy and runes? not really interested in magical creatures to be honest" Theo says going back to his book.

"I just hope next year would be much more normal then this year" Blaise said as he stood up to get something from his trunk. Draco laughed "like that's ever going to happen in Hogwarts" he says with a snort, something Percy wholeheartedly agrees. Hogwarts not trying to kill them? please, Draco liking Potter and his friends would be a much more believable tale. "Hey has there been anymore attacks lately? its like the monster just got lazy or something" Blaise asked looking up from his trunk "nope, not a single attack. Looks like the heir of Slytherin has stopped for the time being" Theo answered and oh how he couldn't be any more wrong.

Because not a few days later the teacher had to cancel a quiditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

They had found two more victims, one of the victim being Hermione Granger. 

Potter and Weasley was definitely not going to be happy.

I hope you liked this chapter! and I'm sorry but I will not be able to update a lot for the next few days because guess what?! I'm going on a little holiday to the land of anime! I'm so exited! and I will also not have time to update much but I promise that as soon as I get back I'll start working on another chapter.

And please note that i was rushed in writing this because I didn't have a lot of time to work on it so it might not be very good right now but I promise I'll edit it later.

Oh and I know this is super late but Eid Mubarak to those who celebrate it (and I know this is very very late but I felt bad not saying anything on the day itself) and I hope you're all having a good day.

Thank you for reading and as usual please tell me what you think,


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