Chapter 2

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Diagon Alley was full with movement by the time Percy arrived. The streets were filled with witches and wizards doing their shopping, he even recognize some fellow students from Hogwarts and stopped to say hi to a few of them. Looking around and not seeing the Malfoys he decided to go ahead and shop alone, ducking into Madame Malkin's he bought a few sets of school robes and then bought himself a new winter cloak over at Twilfitt and Tatting's (which had a better selection of higher quality robes). After awhile of wandering around he finally saw Draco and his father walking down the street towards Flourish and Blotts.

Hurriedly he walked towards his blonde friend and tapped him on the shoulder, watching bemusedly as his friend spun around wildly glaring at whoever dared to disturb the Malfoy heir. Seeing it was Percy the blonde reddened slightly in embarrassment before covering it up with a look of haughtiness "there you are, father and I just came back from some... business in Knockturn Alley" Draco said, his voice lowering into a whisper as he mentioned the street that was known for its shady occupants. Lucius Malfoy made a tutting noise "you will do not to mention that in public Draco" turning to his master's son he nodded respectably "I apologize for the wait but I trust you've done most of your shopping already?" Percy nodded "yes I've already bought everything but my books" then leading the way he turned towards the packed bookshop and ducked inside.

The store was full with witches and as he shoved his way inside he saw what was the reason for all the commotion. The famed Gilderoy Lockhart himself was signing his books for a long line of mostly middle aged witches who seem to fawn at his very being, the man was wearing notice-me-not blue robes that matched his eyes and had a mega watt smile for the cameras and was posing with a certain black haired emerald green eyed Gryffindor who looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else but there. Draco slipped next to him and sneered at a witch that had jostled at him who stared back in fright and scampered away as she recognized Draco as the son of the rich and pureblooded Lucius Malfoy whose reputation stretched far and wide in Britain (and most likely Europe) .

"Oh look its scar head and the family of blood traitors, reckon we should say hi?" the blonde said already walking away. Rolling his eyes at his friends antics Percy's attention was brought to a leather bound book on magical underwater creatures and he went off, picking up the books that were on the list and a few that interested him. Walking back to where he last saw Draco he could hear the blonde confronting Potter "leave him alone, he didn't want all that!" said a girl whose voice he did not recognize. Before Draco could retort Percy slid next to his friend "looks like you've got yourself a girlfriend Potter!" he said with a sly smirk as he saw the young girl (who was obviously a Weasley) went scarlet. Looking up he saw Weasley and Granger walking towards them, both carrying stacks of Lockhart's books.

"Oh" the red head said with disdain, looking at Draco with extreme distaste "its you" Percy raised an eyebrow "you're observation skills astound me Weasley" he drawled in a bored tone and was satisfied as Weasley reddened "why you-" dropping his books in his sister's cauldron Weasley started to advance on him when both Granger and Potter held him back by pulling at his jacket.  Suddenly Mr. Weasley appeared and so did Malfoy's father (first signs of trouble right there).

Percy wasn't exactly sure how it happened. He had drone out after awhile and was already starting to get bored when suddenly the eldest Weasley launched himself towards Mr. Malfoy who got knocked back into a shelf which contents showered down around them. Avoiding getting hit by a thick tome he glared coldly at the two men and said as loudly and authoritatively as he can "gentleman!" that one word seem to work as Malfoy realized that he was acting unprofessionally in front of a crowd and worst of all, the dark lords son and soon the two men broke apart.

"As much as I like to see two grown men fighting each other in a book store without a single ounce of dignity I have other things to worry about" Percy said coldly and the older Weasley reddened considerably before walking back to his family. Lucius sneered and dropped an old and tatty book back into the young Weasley girl's cauldron "here take your book, its the best your father could get you.." he narrowed his eyes slightly at the action. Percy could tell that Lucius had dropped something else along with the book but couldn't see what it was from this angle.

After purchasing their books he and the two Malfoy's walked out the store and looked for somewhere quieter where Mr. Malfoy bowed his head low and murmured "forgive me young heir for my foolish actions, it was not my intention for that blood traitor Weasley to attack me in such manner" Draco fumed "how dare they! as if they couldn't get anymore pathetic" Percy just nodded "indeed but be sure to not let such things happen again Lord Malfoy, my father holds high standards for his inner circle and he would not be happy to find his right hand man brawling with such men in public" he said coldly before turning away with a small smile "come Draco I thought I saw the new model for the Nimbus" and with that he walked off with one of the most politically powerful men in the wizarding community and his heir trailing behind him.

Second chapter done! I hope you liked it and please give me feedback as usual.

Thank you so much for reading! And Till next time.


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