Chapter 27

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Harry Potter sat in his seat in the train with a relieved sigh.

It's been one seriously fucked up year.

He's been accused of being the heir of Slytherin, almost got killed in many occasions and even met the younger version of the feared dark lord what in Merlin's name.

But he would be lying to say that he hadn't enjoyed his time in Hogwarts, anything was considerably better then having to stay with the Dursleys for an entire summer. Harry was actually happy with the way things ended, well for the most part that is. Because of his, Ron's and Hermione's actions Gryffindor managed to snag the house cup this year to professor McGonagall's extreme pleasure. Harry could see the women throwing smug glances towards an irate professor Snape (which made it all the better in his humble opinion) from his place in the great hall when they were hearing the announcements.

He also managed to play a hand in kicking Lucius Malfoy out of the school board (which made him giddy beyond relief as he noticed how irritable Draco was towards the end of the school year) and helped Dobby in escaping his master by tricking Malfoy to giving the elf an old sock. Hagrid also returned from Azkaban, all the paralyzed victims recovered, the basilisk was dead and Lockhart was officially not a Hogwarts teacher anymore as he was recovering from loosing his memories after attempting to use the obliviate spell on Harry and Ron (which rebounded and hit him instead- what a sucker am I right).

All in all it was a pretty eventful way to end his second year in Hogwarts.

It would've been truly perfect if it wasn't... if it wasn't for Ginny's current state. Harry looked out the window as he felt the sorrow gripping his insides in a vice like grip.

He risked so much for the school and yet he and Ron was still too late to do more for Ginny.

After the events with Voldemort in the chamber of secrets whatever the dark lord did to the youngest Weasley left its affects. The girl had been feverish and weak ever since they got her out, when Harry explained that Voldemort had attempted to use Ginny's soul or life force or whatever to gain back his power everybody had panicked and wasn't very sure how to handle the affects of such dark magic. The girl was now in the careful watches of the skillful witches in St Mungo's Hospital who have been slowly healing her though it was still generally unknown how Ginny will come out from all of this and the entire Weasley family has been on edge since they were reunited with her.

Another thing that has been frustrating Harry out of his dam mind was the real identity of the so called heir of Voldemort. The worst part was that the rumor of the dark lord having a heir was now circulating the school and therefore the rest of the magical community in the entirety of great Britain. Wizarding newspapers have taken the topic and ran with it in such a way that Harry could no longer see where the fuck they were heading. All the people know for sure was that someone connected to Voldemort have been inside of Hogwarts scheming for the better part of two years (the first time was with that entire fiasco with the Philosopher's stone and the second time with the Basilisk).

Which obviously made parents angry and fearful for their kids.

People have been criticizing Dumbledore for weeks now, asking why he hadn't caught the this so called heir and protected their children from such people like he was supposed to. Harry was annoyed with all the constant judgement and have taken to burning most of the articles he read about Dumbledore that was less then complimentary.

Oh and of course, the main source of his distraction at the moment was none other then Perseus Riddle.

Percy Riddle, the boy everyone wanted to be- the boy everyone either envied or crushed on. He was rich, handsome, intelligent and beyond charismatic with his witty humor and sarcastic words. The Slytherins seem to respect him, the Ravenclaws enjoyed having debates and discussions with him and the Hufflepuffs admired his mostly easy nature (though he was often aloof) and liked that he wasn't one of the Slytherins who constantly bullied others (mostly because of his 'don't-give-a-crap attitude'). Riddle was someone Harry had taken to avoiding ever since he beat the Gryffindor so badly in the duel they had in that one disastrous defense against the dark arts class with Lockhart.

He was also the person Harry had suspected at first was the heir of Voldemort.

After all Tom Riddle shared the same surname with the other Slytherin and he was also a halfblood, it made perfect sense and was plausible and the two even looked almost similar if it wasn't for Perseus's strange sea green eyes and unruly hair (Tom Riddle had neat hair and dark eyes). His suspicions though were waved away by Dumbledore who told him of the other boy's background and that the two Riddles were apparently not related at all. Percy's father was some savant from Durmstrang and his mother was a half Greek witch whose family was grey during the war meaning that they weren't supporters of Voldemort nor did they fought with the light side.

After the headmaster explained to him about Riddle's lineage Harry pushed down his suspicions for the time being (though he swore to himself to keep a look out for the other boy) and focused instead on the things he has achieved. It mostly worked and his attention had shifted to spending the rest his time in Hogwarts with his friends (including an unpetrified Hermione of course).

As his thoughts drifted back to the hear and now Harry turned to Ron who had nudged him "you okay Harry? looked like you were thinking real hard for a second" the redhead's expression was worried and curious. Harry merely waved of the concern "yeah just thinking about the summer I guess" the other boy's eyes widened and Ron began babbling about how Harry should stay with him and his family so he doesn't have to return to those awful relatives and they could play quidditch all day long and on and on and on...

"Yeah that's great and all but just make sure you don't go kidnapping him with your dad's flying car again you dimwitted idiot" Hermione cuts in and dear Merlin the two are arguing now and this was oddly cathartic, Harry grins as he listens to his friend's bickering and lets the sound wrap around him like a warm blanket.

He relaxed in his seat and leaned his head against the window, looking out at the passing scenery as the train began its journey back to platform 9 3/4.

Even with all the crazy stuff happening and the snakes, the sneaking out, the life threatening adventures and other people's judgement and doubts about his person Harry was absolutely sure about one thing in certain.

He never wants this to change.


Wow guys I'm getting all teary eyed now, should I write a long ass speech about how very thankful I am that you stuck with me and this book and dear lord its the third in the series now and fuck I'm going to be writing another one and-

Yeah I don't think you need to read that cause I think you know.

I hoped you like this final chapter, thank you again for reading and this really means so much to me and the year is almost ending and gah I don't know what to say so I'll just say this again:


Like seriously thank you.

In other news the voting for who will be with Percy is going to end soon, more specifically its going to end on the day I publish the fourth fic of this series.

Anyway that's all I have to really say, it might take awhile until I publish the next book (I need a break to focus more on my studies and writing a series like this takes time and dedication) but don't despair because I might be updating and writing other things on this account so yeah.

Its been a pleasure folks, yours in demigodishness and all that.

peace out,

peace out,

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