Chapter 12

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To say that the whole school was reeling in shock would've been accurate.

The golden boy of Gryffindor, the poster boy for the light side, supposed defeater of the notorious dark lord ... was a parseltongue.

After the duel Percy had immediately set out to write a letter to his father about the events that had happened which no doubt had probably already spread around the entire castle. His father had replied almost immediately and had congratulated him on accidentally finding out Potter's dark secret. After a bit of thinking he also went down to the chamber's of secrets once again to warn the great basilisk of the threat of another speaker.

Though there are some down sides to the fact that Potter can speak parseltongue there seemed also many advantages. People were getting wary around Potter, so sure that he must be the heir of Slytherin as he had the ability Salazar Slytherin himself was so famous for (which thankfully put off any suspicion on himself).

Not long after the little incident in the dueling club two other victims were found. At the scene of crime Percy had watched with barely hidden glee as a Hufflepuff (Macmillan or something) pointed an accusatory finger at Potter and exclaimed "caught in the act!" and he left satisfied after watching Mcgonagall ushered Potter to where he presumed was the headmasters office.

Ever since that fateful day the school was in an even more panicked state, students were practically falling over themselves to mail their parents and secure seats on the Hogwarts express to get the Hades away from the castle. Most students were leaving over Christmas to the safety of their own homes, at this rate he and Draco (including those two imbeciles known as Crabbe and Goyle) would practically be the only ones left in the Slytherin dormitories. Thinking that the peace and quiet from the lack of students would do him some good Percy immediately thought of ways to speed up his father's plans.

Until that is he found out that Potter and his two other sidekicks were also staying behind.

An unsettling feeling took over him and he knew that the trio was going to do something

When Christmas morning came around he woke up with a clear head and was for once thankful that no dreams plagued him. Standing up and stretching Percy threw a pillow at his still sleeping friend "marry Christmas Drakey" he says cheerfully as the blonde groaned awake. Draco mumbled into his pillow "shut up you arse" grinning the raven haired boy shrugged "fine then I suppose you don't want your Christmas present this year" dodging a pillow Percy smirked and ducked into the bathroom.

After taking a fresh shower and changing into a pair of jeans and a comfortable dark blue jumper he stepped into his boots and pulled on a dark green winter cloak. Draco watched from his bed and rubbed at his tired eyes "already going Riddle? its bloody six in the morning" Percy snatched his wand and pendant from his bedside table along with a small bag of owl treats "well hurry and wash up or will I have to open up all the presents myself?" he huffed and stalked out the room hearing the blondes tiered groan.

After waiting for an eternity for Draco to style his hair ("it wasn't that long!") they both brought all their presents to the common room and ripped them open (etiquette be damned, there wasn't even anybody else in the common room).

Percy got a box of fancy sweets from Pansy, a soft blue scarf from Theo, from Blaise a cool dragon figure that actually breathes fire and silk blue robes from Daphne that practically looks like it was water. Draco had given him a pair of  leather combat boots that suited him perfectly and he immediately took off the ones he was currently wearing as it was already quite worn down.

Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now