Chapter 25

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The office was silent, its gaping occupants staring at the four who just shuffled their way into the room. Lockhart, Ron and harry all stood in the doorway covered in muck and in some cases blood. Ginny was still limp with her arms strewn over her brother's and Harry's shoulders.

The silence stretched out for one second.. two..

"Ginny!" screamed the matron of the Weasley family. Molly Weasley leapt out of her seat and towards her unconscious daughter with her husband in tow and immediately cupped her hands around Ginny's cheeks, turning her head this way and that. The colour seem to drain out of her complexion as she worriedly exclaimed "oh Merlin she's too cold Arthur! and she's not waking up.. god I thought she was dead" Mrs. Weasley held back tears as her husband laid a hand on her shoulder and murmured "its okay darling.. its okay now" with the help of a frazzled looking professor McGonagall they managed to bring the pale and feverish Weasley girl unto a sofa by the fireplace.

Mrs. Weasley then turned to Harry and Ron and swept them both into tight hugs "she could've died if it wasn't for you boys! you saved her! how?" she released the rib crushing hugs and Harry breathed a sigh of relief, he still felt a bit sore from when he fell because of that blasted spell. Professor McGonagall placed a hand on her heart with a still shocked expression on her face and exclaimed "I think we'd all like to know how you saved Ginny and managed to get out alive so if you don't mind mister Potter and Weasley why don't you start at the beginning..." And so after awhile gathering his thoughts he did.

Harry explained all of it, from the voices to the corridor to finding the crumpled piece of paper in Hermione's unmoving hand that directed them to the basilisk. When he started talking about the strange figure in the manic mask Harry faltered. Now that he was starting to remember what happened before he blacked out he didn't like the thought of Voldemort's heir running around in Hogwarts again.

Dumbledore noticed Harry's hesitation and tilted his head slightly "what is the matter Harry? Something seems to be bothering you" taking a deep breath the boy slowly started talking again, hating how his voice sounded shaky. "Th..then someone came up and knocked me out with a spell.. Someone with a silver mask and a hood.. When I woke up again the horcrux was gone" hearing a sharp intake of breath Harry turned to Mcgonagall whose eyes were wide as she pieced together the puzzle pieces.

"It can't be.. can it?" her expression morphed into one of slight fear and Dumbledore nodded gravely "it seems that the dark lord's heir has returned" Molly Weasley looked up sharply "the dark lord has an heir? you must be joking! what in Merlin's name is going on in this school Dumbledore!? I demand to know why my daughter ended up in the chamber of secrets in the first place!" the headmaster attempted to placate the angry and scared mother by explaining to her about their assumptions and of a man called Tom Riddle. He went on to explaining about the horcrux, the diary and how it most likely possessed Ginny in doing things she does not remember doing.

Upon hearing that her daughter has been possessed by the likes of Voldemort Mrs. Weasley grew more horrified "you-know-who has been enchanting my daughter all year long to do his dirty work?! is.. is she going to be okay?!" professor McGonagall who was kneeling by the floor next to Ginny reached out a hand to brush against the girl's forehead "she seems to be loosing temperature fast, I fear that whatever happened down there has given her a fever or worse.. we must get her medical attention quickly" Dumbledore waved a hand and nodded grimly "then go and bring the girl to the medical wing I'm sure Poppy can handle what is ailing Ginny for the time being.. bring mister Weasley and Lockhart here too and make sure they aren't hurt in any way, I must speak to Harry alone for now if possible" and sooner then Harry could keep up with McGonagall and the Weasleys all rushed out of the room with Ginny (who was being levitated by the transfiguration professor) between them and a confused looking Lockhart being dragged out by Ron.

When the door slammed shut Dumbledore gestured to an empty seat in front of the desk "sit Harry, I Imagine its been a long night for you and I believe you have some questions.." some? Harry almost scoffed. He had plenty to last the entire night.

And most of his questions centered around a certain sea green eyed boy named Perseus Riddle.


I honestly hated writing this chapter so much, it just took too god dam long to finish. I'll probably edit this again later.

Anyway I hope you guys like it and please tell me what you think! oh and go ahead and vote for who Percy will end up with in the previous chapter if you haven't already! I think Percabeth is leading so all you Pernico fans should hurry and catch up if you want them to be together (I for one am totally neutral right now). The deadline for the voting is basically when this book ends and when I start the next book so before I post a first chapter I will be announcing the winner and so on.

In other news I went to a con recently and spent a lot of money (no regrets there) and I have to admit that future updates might take a while from now on cause it seems like I'm gonna be quite busy.

The book is almost complete! ahhhhhhhhh I'm so dam happy and terrified at the same time. I hope that you guys are having a great week so far and.. yeah? see you next chapter I guess.


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