Not a chapter- its a tag

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Sorry for those who thought this is an update (cause it's not).

I got tagged again! Whoo

Anyway yeah I got tagged by heart_of_a_Slytherin and here it goes

1. First OC


2. Age

Sorry but no

3. Favorite fandoms

aghhhhh very hard to answer, but its Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, Sherlock and a bunch of others.

4. Favorite childhood movies

Hard to remember but I used to really like watching X Men First class and most of the time I watched shows like Suite Life Of Zack and Cody (or on deck), Austin & Ally, Wizards Of Waverly place, etc.

5. Name


6. Job

I do not have a job

7. Favorite villain


8. Favorite Quote

"We're all just stories in the end, just make it a good one eh?" - Eleventh Doctor

"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice" - Newt Scamander

"There is no good or evil, only power and those to weak to seek it" - Voldemort

"you want weapons? we're in a library! Books! This room's the greatest arsenal we could have, arm yourself!" - Tenth Doctor

""Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it" - Dumbledore

"Go back? No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!" - Bilbo Baggins

9. Default fandom

Percy Jackson

10. boyfriend/girlfriend



I hereby tag






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