Chapter 21

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So a phoenix flew in.

That was something.

Oh and the bird was also carrying the old sorting hat.

Weird but okay.

Riddle laughed that high cold laugh of his and the sound echoed around the chamber. The 16 year old dark lord stared dubiously at the patched up hat "this is what Dumbledore send his defender? an old hat and a song bird? ha! do you feel safe now Potter?" after awhile he stopped laughing and smiled broadly, behind the pillar where Percy sat crouched he felt a tingle go down his spine. The smile was cold and mocking, his father's (who was much younger and gods this is weird) eyes were familiar in that calculating and almost predatory way.

Lets just say it was not a look from the Dark Lord you want directed at you.

"To business harry" Riddle said with a mocking smile "twice we have met and twice I have failed to kill you... tell me.. how did you survive?" when Potter didn't answer the young dark lord added softly "the longer you talk.. the longer you stay alive" Percy almost snorted at that. If Potter was going to do anything it was get himself killed. 

And of course Percy was proven correct when the oh  so impressive chosen one began insulting the Dark Lord for Merlin's sake.

"My common muggle born mother stopped you from killing me! and I saw you, I saw you last year! you're a wreck and barely alive. That's where all your power got you! you're ugly and foul!" Potter yelled out smartly. Riddle merely smiled (it looked down right evil) and Percy knew that Harry Potter will cease to exist in the next few minutes or so.

That kid certainly did write his own death sentence in a flourish.

And a death sentence it was. The younger version of his adopted father (try saying that a few times in a row) walked away and stopped by the stone face of Slytherin after saying a long ass speech and hissed out the words Percy knew very well by now.

Speak to me Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four

The statue began to move and something stirred within its mouth.

The sea green eyed boy grinned devilishly and placed his right hand by his pocket where his twitchy fingers drummed on his sword-pen. His other hand held his wand loosely in a way that would be easy for him to swing his arm to throw a curse at someone and his relaxed stance ever so shifted.

Shit was about to go down and Percy wanted to be apart of it.

So you guys cool about me using swear words? because I think its long overdue for our seaweed brain here and you know he curses a lot okay.

I hoped you like the chapter and to be honest I wrote this in like three hours because I was inspired by the book Fangirl (I'm a bit late to the party I know) and gah I just felt like writing.

Anyway I'd just like to say thank you for voting (its not over yet don't worry) and wow are you people exited for Pernico. To be honest I don't ship it much (Solangelo for life okay) but I do think it would be interesting for this story and I might have something planned out already so that's that.

Oh what do you feel about me pairing Percy with an oc? (a male oc to be specific)- I'm still going with the winner for the vote of course (for now at least *evil smirk*) but its just a thought I had that interested me.


Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now